Member since 12 / 2016
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Mod: Western Star 4900 Steerable Tri Axle
Apologies for this but do you hear the high pitch sound that this truck makes or is it just me? Had the same issue with the Scania Truck Agro.
Mod: Silage Fräse
This is exactly what is happening to me as well. I posted a comment below with the issue and also a solution, but I will repeat: when vacuuming silage from a covered bunker, the white tarp doesn't automatically unveil. I have to go with a regular bucket and force the white blanket to disappear before going with the Fraese.
Mod: Silage Fräse
When vacuuming silage from a covered bunker, the white tarp doesn't automatically unveil. I have to go with a regular bucket and force the white blanket to disappear before going with the Fraese.
Mod: AutoDrive
It works on all maps. For now, only Goldcrest Valley has routes made by the author. For the other maps you have to make the routes yourself.
Mod: AutoDrive
OMG! v1.0.2 is AWESOME! Thank you sooo much Balu! Played with it 2-3 hours! It's not easy to learn for me, a lot of trial and error :) but still sooo much fun! There are a lot of small things that bug me and I crashed the game 2-3 times but I will make a list after I can safely reproduce them and will put it on GitHub. Thank you again! Cheers!
Mod: AutoDrive
Hello! Just tried your mod out and was initially wondering about your choice to use Directed Graphs but then I realized the need for them in turning scenarios. That is smart thinking!
I really REALLY like your mod and I hope you are opened to suggestions:
1. would you be able to make parts of the graph go both ways? I am asking because on narrow roads with no traffic and only 1 lane, I have to record the path twice even if I could use the same path both ways. For long stretches of road to record, maybe have a special REC button for both ways? and if we need to make just one segment both ways then we could use the Toggle Connection button: 1st press = activate 1 way connection, 2nd press = activate opposite way connection(optional), 3rd press = activate 2 way connection, 4th press = deactivate connection
2. There should be some king of feedback when recalculating the paths. At the moment I press the button and nothing happens. There is no event telling me that the program "heard" my command to recalculate. Would you be able to print a text somewhere with "recalculating..." and change it to "Done recalculating" when it is done?
3. not working with frontloader, I saw from your other comments that you are taking care of this, AWESOME!
4. I saw that "canto silver" recommended some kind of destination table to choose from. Would it be easier to implement some kind of search based option like the console? Once you start typing letters in the name field and press TAB it switches between the locations that start with those letters.
Again i want to say this is an AWESOME mod and I want to thank you for all the hard work! Cheers!