Member since 1 / 2014
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- Gesamt
- letzte 24h
- 182.977 Mods veröffentlicht
- 55 Mods veröffentlicht
- 441.850 Mitglieder
- 45 Neuanmeldungen
- 1.188.452 Kommentare
- 5 Kommentare
- 59 Mitglieder jetzt online
© 2010 - 2025
Mod: Volvo FH12 Interior
Nice job, however I don't keep it, in my game, because of the fussy interior. It is my taste and subjective, but I don't like the flags on the dash, the curtain.
Mod: Alles freigeschaltet
Does not work, sorry.
Mod: DOLL VARIO 4Axis with Caterpillar M257
In one word: WOW! A real challange, to deliver this without a scratch. Well done! Thank you!
Mod: KAMAZ 4410 6450
Great job! Well done! With the Russia Map this is very stylish to ride. Also great to fill up your AI fleet, because it is hellua cheap!
Mod: Russland Express Karte
Endless roads and cheap gas: forget about the 90 km/h speedlimiter! 8-) It is obvious, whoever put this thing together put a fantastic amount of work into it! However I bumped into minor bugs - a truck dealer is facing into a wrong direction in one of the north eastern cities of Russia, the GPS going to berserk in complex intersections - I recommend this mod to everyone! Very well done!
I wish I have this map and TSM combined! Imagine a Murmansk - Cairo tour! What an adventure! ;-)
Mod: Scania 143M
Great job, thank you! Special thanks for the separate sound part! It makes my ears bleed, so I switched off... 8-)
Mod: Mercedes 1632 Interior
Nice truck, but... It is not out of the scale? It seems so tiny.
Mod: Scania 113L 380
For me it is replaces all other Scania truck in the game... 8-(
Mod: Man TGS e5
Very nice job! Thank you!