Member since 10 / 2014
Userprofil von Saksenlander
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Farming Simulator
About Saksenlander
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Mod: Inching-Mod
Works great, using the keyboard. Unfortunately not with the G27 because you can't map the clutch within Farming Simulator.
Mod: Eicher 2090 Turbo
Nothing wrong with this mod, a very nice addition to your fleet and it gives you an early opportunity to own a frontloader.
Well done guys!
Mod: Besser Lenken mit der Tastatur
Wirst du es nicht bemerken, wenn man es ein- oder ausschaltet?
Mod: Fendt Hecklader Cargo R
What they in general mean is that they don't understand why certain people rate this mod so poorly. These comments are all positive and rate your mod highly! I agree and rate this add-on 5 stars, Thank you for the time and effort you put in these wonderful mods, just to release them for free to us to enjoy!