Userprofil von redice
Member since 11 / 2012

Punkte: 43
Schlepper Versenker
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 53 m Wohnort: mjölby sweden Hobbys: computer fixing Homepage keine Angabe

About redice

beta tester to bluejava, and hopefully maby for more people
  1. redice 16. 09 2019

    Mod: Dondiego Map
    cant se any sales points

  2. redice 10. 03 2016

    Mod: Glenvar Farm
    why need an offroad, when i'm driving ON the road, new pict with pda open

  3. redice 09. 03 2016

    Mod: Glenvar Farm
    got stuck driving around on the map, look at pict i posted

    1 Antworten

  4. redice 21. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    tipptriggers still wrong on mixstation

    2 Antworten

  5. redice 09. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    if not installed why the use of kalk/lime when you cant see when to use it?, and pls add needed mods to english description of this great looking map.

  6. redice 09. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    on german description of this mod all links are posted thats needed, they are missing on english description.

  7. redice 09. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    wasent able to send it, so i put it in my dropbox so you can dl it

    1 Antworten

  8. redice 09. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    i'm using ZZZ_compostSoil version 1.1 and getting that error

    1 Antworten

  9. redice 06. 04 2015

    Mod: GUT zu Wissen 2
    when i click on the dl it opens the german pdf file, pls check link

  10. redice 02. 12 2014

    Mod: Vosges
    Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/map/concessionCLASS_tlsf/concessionCLASS_tlsf/flagpoleursus/flagShader.xml' has version 2. Please convert this file to version 3.
    Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/map/concessionCLASS_tlsf/concessionCLASS_tlsf/flagpoleclaas/flagShader.xml' has version 2. Please convert this file to version 3.
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/hangar a produits/shader/numbershader.xml'.
    Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/map/moiseiclass/grainShader.xml' has version 2. Please convert this file to version 3.
    Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/vente paille/particleSystemShader.xml' has version 2. Please convert this file to version 3.
    Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/map/moiseiclass/emissiveBillboardShader.xml' has version 2. Please convert this file to version 3.
    Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/fuel/numbershader.xml' has version 2. Please convert this file to version 3.
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'E:/Users/reddan/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//vosgesV4/map/shop/fxCircleShader.xml'.

  11. redice 08. 11 2014

    Mod: Modordner Switcher
    crashes on win 7 64 bits, and changeable betwen eng or german would be lovley

  12. redice 04. 11 2014

    Mod: FeedStorage addon BjornHolm
    pls make it placeable instead so we can use it on any map

  13. redice 16. 09 2014

    Mod: Rus MAP
    any fix for us that DONT have " going east " ???

  14. redice 29. 05 2014

    Mod: Glenvar Final
    1 error so far and that is, strawpower plant at home farm abit to high up in the air

  15. redice 03. 05 2014

    Mod: ModChecker
    any ata on an english version of this program ?

  16. redice 01. 11 2013

    Mod: Westbridge Hill Karte
    can you make a version on english also ????

    1 Antworten

  17. redice 09. 09 2013

    Mod: Placeable Waage
    tack för att det äntligen har kommit en vikt station, ledsen att jag inte skriver på tyska, men är trött på att folk skriver på tyska på den ENGELSKA delen av sidan.

    thanks for that it has finally arrived a weighing station, sorry I did not write in German, but I'm tired of people writing in German on the ENGLISH part of the page.

  18. redice 27. 08 2013

    Mod: GiantContest2013 Belgique Profonde
    were do you buy fields on multi/server

  19. redice 30. 07 2013

    Mod: Dedizierter LS Server bei gamed!de
    and as normal the info is ONLY on german lang, why are english left out ? arent our money good enoth ?

  20. redice 16. 01 2013

    Mod: Paczka wiat
    what is this ??? dont understand polish, pls translate it

  21. redice 19. 11 2012

    Mod: Vaderstad TopDown 600
    to Megalodilleren: i know now i was ther on a visit today and talked to my old work mates and they confirmed that you can use a biodrill, it was totaly new for me, my apology

  22. redice 17. 11 2012

    Mod: Vaderstad TopDown 600
    i have worked at väderstad verken, and this is the first time i se a cultivator that can seed :P if it had been a Rapid A i would understand since you dont have to cultivate before using that mashine :P

    1 Antworten

  23. redice 16. 11 2012

    Mod: Vaderstad TopDown 600
    seed icon on a cultivator ??

  24. redice 16. 11 2012

    Mod: Farming13Map
    1. change name on the map in modDesc
    2. remove the ramp at old harbour or put in a depo ther again.
    3. you have a graphic error at cow part looking over at old golf part.
    Other then those its a good start on a map

  25. redice 12. 11 2012

    Mod: Langas farmers map
    wouder why people gives this map bad points and dont write a comment on why its bad

  26. redice 12. 11 2012

    Mod: Scania AGRO PACK
    pls reskinn it, the skin looks bad on highest praphic settings

  27. redice 08. 11 2012

    Mod: Humbaur Trailer
    end upside down when you buy it

  28. redice 05. 11 2012

    Mod: Bitte Mod löschen
    this one is for fs11 NOT fs13 if you read on fs-uk

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