Userprofil von RealViking
Member since 3 / 2011

Punkte: 463
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Rank: #4837
Vorname: A Alter & Geschlecht: 48 m Wohnort: Dwingeloo Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About RealViking

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  1. RealViking 21. 12 2018

    Mod: Oberes Glantal in der Südpfalz
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    dataS/scripts/fieldJobs/FieldManager.lua(560) : attempt to index a nil value

    Haut Log komplett voll!!

    2 Antworten

  2. RealViking 18. 03 2016

    Mod: Steyr 4115 Multi Hardpoint
    Sehr tolle mod! Aber leider werden nicht die richtige credits vermeldet!

    Das schlauch script ist von Wopster und Xentro. Rafftnix hat damit nichts zu tun!

    1 Antworten

  3. RealViking 08. 03 2016

    Mod: Hürlimann H496 HPE
    Very nice presentation! I like the use of Hardpoint, so thanks a lot! ;)

  4. RealViking 02. 03 2016

    Mod: John Deere 8530
    Great tractor! The only thing missing is a little more gloss.
    Works very fine the Gearbox Addon. It is already build in.

  5. RealViking 29. 10 2015

    Mod: Mobiler Wassertank
    Gab es schon lange...

  6. RealViking 04. 08 2015

    Mod: Irgendwo In Bayern
    Very good job! Lot of potential in this map, hope to see more coming. Four stars, the fifth star will be there when the map is finished. ;)

  7. RealViking 18. 07 2015

    Mod: MultiOverlay Hud
    Hallo HappyLooser, i am a big fan of this mod, and also a big fan of Rosenthaler his greenery mods. They all work in MO, but his Saatgut and Dunger production doesn't seem to work.
    (Link: )

    Will you be able to fix this, or maybe tell us what to do to get this to work?

    Thanks in advance!


  8. RealViking 25. 07 2014

    Mod: Fantasy reloaded
    Vielen dank! Best map of LS11 returned!

  9. RealViking 01. 12 2013

    Mod: Landwehrkanal
    Thanks for this great map. We use it for Multiplayer! ;)

  10. RealViking 31. 03 2012

    Mod: Fendt 309C
    Keine logfehler. Bitte zeig mir mal die logfahler, dann konnen wir noch mal nach schauen. ;)

  11. RealViking 27. 03 2011

    Mod: Courseplay
    Thank You Very Much!

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