Userprofil von PatrickWdup1
Member since 4 / 2011

Punkte: 20
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About PatrickWdup1

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  1. PatrickWdup1 14. 02 2013

    Mod: Papenburger Map
    Thanks for bringing this map to LS2013 :)

  2. PatrickWdup1 29. 10 2012

    Mod: Entwickler-Version verfügbar
    Hello Hummel,

    First of all many thanks for making this awesome mod for us. This is the thing that Giants themselfs should have done.

    I have made some quick tests with the developper version and I have the same problem as Bigandy with the Grimme Maxtron. The Grimme Tectron has the same problem.
    Another thing i noticed is that coursplay doesn't recognizes when the tractor is moving backwards, it just seems to ingore those waypoints.

    Anyway, thanks again for al your efforts, for me it is just amazing that is is only a few days after release of LS2013 and already you have a (mostly) working version

  3. PatrickWdup1 04. 08 2012

    Mod: 8360R
    It is getting better and better, thanks Bluesky

  4. PatrickWdup1 17. 07 2012

    Mod: Gross Kern Land Edited by HMBigMaps
    I was waiting for this one, thanks for releasing

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