Member since 2 / 2013
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About omarthefirst
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Central Kansas Remake
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Cornwell Farm
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Mod: Cornwell Farm
The latest update is now available on FS-UK.
Mod: Cornwell Farm
Ich tun würde, näher aber mein PC ist ein sehr Low-End-PC. Ich kann kaum spielen die Standard-Karte bei etwa 10 fps. Ich wünschte, ich hätte einen besseren pc besser Karten bauen. Ich danke Ihnen allen für die Unterstützung!
Mod: Cornwell Farm
If i remember correctly, I did not put a milk truck with a route in this map. So in Theory, the milk sale is automatic at midnight and at 7 a.m.
I have also noticed the "field is not yours" message, i will try my best to fix up the fields.
And yes once i loaded it up and started threshing, i felt the fields were a tad small. [b] Do you like the field sizes more like FIELD 6??[/b]
Thank you for the rating.
@Gamer Uwe
Thank you for the pictures. I will edit the map and upload a new version this weekend sometime.
Thanks i forgot about the start up screen for the german translation
Thank you Everyone for the positive support!
Mod: Big Tonys Hagenstedt
Great Map BigTonyTomato! I enjoy it very much especially the easy commuteing between sell points and the farm. I love all the buildings you have added and hope to see more maps come out from you. :)