Userprofil von OldShip
Member since 1 / 2013

Punkte: 6
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Nick Alter & Geschlecht: 50 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About OldShip

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  1. OldShip 06. 03 2013

    Mod: Pipa land new
    where is the manure silo ?

  2. OldShip 14. 02 2013

    Mod: Small Town
    ...the Bga working ??

  3. OldShip 10. 02 2013

    Mod: Small Town
    thanks scout2of3, good job ;)

  4. OldShip 10. 02 2013

    Mod: Small Town
    ...also, i can t sell hay and as i can see, not even bales, can you chack it ?

  5. OldShip 06. 02 2013

    Mod: Neuland
    Best map so far !!!! Can you please add the new garden shop so we can sell manure/liquid manure?? I tryed that but i m not an expert on mapping :) And a silo for silage close to cows !!!

  6. OldShip 12. 01 2013

    Mod: GrenzlandmapXXL
    ..fix the pda please :(

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