Userprofil von mrnascar
Member since 2 / 2013

Punkte: 3
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Les Alter & Geschlecht: 79 m Wohnort: Canada Hobbys: model car building and collecting, blues guitar, PC games Homepage keine Angabe

About mrnascar

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  1. mrnascar 25. 11 2013

    Mod: BIG BUD 747 16V New wheels
    Must admit - even if it has a few bugs (and I haven't tried it yet...) this is a very cool mod to have on the Central Kansas map i'm playing on. Nice work, and I look forward to ant upgrades!

    1 Antworten

  2. mrnascar 05. 08 2013

    Mod: OgM2013
    Great Map! One question. In the Great Demands page of the PDA great demand previews are shown. When I put this map in my mods file, PDA's in all other maps show Great Demand Previews. I would like to remove this feature, as I prefer the unpredictable Great Demands I looked in the PDAfix files in the scripte folder, and removed the great demsnd segment, but it still appears. How can I remove this from thr map?

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