Member since 10 / 2013
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Mod: Meyenburg 2014
This map crashes Farming Simulator on OS X, but luckily it's a known bug seen in other maps too.
Open 'map01.i3d' in your favorite text editor (I recommend the free TextWrangler) and find line number 1774.
Change two numbers to 0 (zero) in blendDistances, so the line looks like this:
<DepthBlendmap resolution="2048" blendDistances="1.5 0 0" objectMask="2147483647"/>
Now the map runs fine on OS X too.
Mod: Quaderballen Paket
Great mod pack, thanks a lot for making this.
One question, have the Krassort been rescaled to 1:1? It seems oversized compared to most tractors, especially the default tractors (like the Deutz with a front loader). Is the trailer really that big in real life?