Member since 6 / 2013
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Mod: NF Marsch 4fach
Thats not what i mean, like Dajnet new map, you can make buildable factories, you need to bring stuff first, then the factory is build. Like the rollercoaster in the fs22 map.
Mod: NF Marsch 4fach
Are you adding buildable factories in the near future?
Mod: NF Marsch 4fach
Thank you for adding the new gras texture, for me a big difference.
Mod: NF Marsch 4fach
Still waiting for the new gras texture, one that fits with the rest of the gras on the map.
Mod: Nordfriesische Marsch
How can i turn of the menu in the rightcorner ?
Mod: Alte Geräte und Ballen Scheune
You make such amazing things for FS.
Mod: Erlenberg
What a great map, unbelievable, tis must be alot of work.
Many thanks guys.
Mod: Road Construction Kit
Can i change the speedlimit?
Mod: Meyenburg 2013
Is there a mod for the "Fest eingebaut gras" ?
I like it very much.