Userprofil von klukken
Member since 2 / 2013

Punkte: 28
Schlepper Versenker
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Daniel Alter & Geschlecht: 35 m Wohnort: Danmark Hobbys: FS 13 Homepage

About klukken

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  1. klukken 23. 04 2017

    Mod: Lösshügelland
    hey guys i have a problem with the total mixed ration to pigs i cant unload it in the feeding trough where it should be
    hope you can help me

  2. klukken 09. 11 2013

    Mod: Claas Axion 850
    awesome mod.. :P

    its a little big.

  3. klukken 14. 04 2013

    Mod: Claas Lexion 580 & 580TT Pack mit AP
    it's a awesome mods thank you :P

  4. klukken 14. 04 2013

    Mod: Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV
    awesome DEUTZ :D
    it is cool when the new mods LS13 commes to LS 11...

    thank you :D

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