Userprofil von kenny456
Member since 3 / 2017

Punkte: 11.641
Modder Level 16
Rank: #104
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About kenny456

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  1. kenny456 15. 03 2022

    Mod: Firewood Processor And SellPoint
    You can sell it as standard wood for now. But i made firewood sell point where you will get more profit from splitted wood. It is waiting for testing right now.

  2. kenny456 09. 03 2022

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner Autoload Wood
    What do you mean "clue marking"?

    1 Antworten

  3. kenny456 09. 03 2022

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner Autoload Wood
    There is no problem with this mod in patch 1.3. Just tested.

    1 Antworten

  4. kenny456 17. 01 2022

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner Wide With Autoload Wood
    FS22 version is waiting on modHub for testing right now.

    1 Antworten

  5. kenny456 02. 12 2021

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner Wide With Autoload Wood
    I am finishing FS22 version right now.

    2 Antworten

  6. kenny456 18. 09 2021

    Mod: Wood Sound
    Can you show errors from your log file please?

  7. kenny456 10. 04 2021

    Mod: Towing Chain With Hook
    Please send me a link for that mod.

  8. kenny456 21. 03 2021

    Mod: Real Wood Harvester
    Hi, i dont know about compatibility with other mods yet. Check your log for errors or try to remove some "script" mod.

  9. kenny456 01. 02 2021

    Mod: Jenz Wood Crusher
    I tested it on Dark Forest right now and everything works well.

  10. kenny456 01. 02 2021

    Mod: Jenz Wood Crusher
    Hi it could be keybinding conflict. What is your controls for this action? (AXIS_CRANE_ARM2 / Lift crane arm). Try set your controls to default.

  11. kenny456 15. 01 2021

    Mod: Mountable Attacher
    Thank you. What do you mean?

  12. kenny456 13. 12 2020

    Mod: Timber Runner Wide With Autoload Wood
    There is a conflict with my Vehicle Straps mod. Do you use it?

  13. kenny456 02. 12 2020

    Mod: Work RPM
    Do you ave any errors in log file?

    1 Antworten

  14. kenny456 12. 11 2020

    Mod: Work RPM
    Hi i am working on new version. It is compatible with 1.7.1 and add some feautures.

  15. kenny456 13. 09 2020

    Mod: Jenz Crusher Mammut II
    Have anyone contact to author of mod Kyosho? I would like to convert it to FS19 and need his permission.

  16. kenny456 28. 07 2020

    Mod: Real Mower
    Do you have example or link, what excactly doesnt work please?

  17. kenny456 25. 04 2020

    Mod: Reversing Indoor Camera
    Do you have any errors in your log file? SP or MP?

  18. kenny456 18. 12 2019

    Mod: Timber Runner Wide With Autoload Wood
    My mod on ingame modhub is not the same. Two different trailer types, only script is the same

  19. kenny456 11. 03 2019

    Mod: Timber Runner Wide With Autoload Wood
    see my answer bellow

  20. kenny456 10. 03 2019

    Mod: Timber Runner Wide With Autoload Wood
    Unloading button was changed from v1.1 (from x to z/y). If you used v1.1, you will need to remap it in config manually. Search fo "AUTOLOADWOOD2_TOGGLE_UNLOAD"

  21. kenny456 24. 02 2019

    Mod: Reversing Indoor Camera
    What dou you mean? In what vehicle is the problem? Camera control works only for indoorCamera

  22. kenny456 24. 02 2019

    Mod: Reversing Indoor Camera
    What version of game do you have? Any errors in log? Maybe keybinding conflict with other mod like EV. That uses kp_divide and kp_multiply too

    1 Antworten

  23. kenny456 15. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Just stay in MA mode 1 - only manual attach (default). Then you will be forced to get out of the vehicle to attach/detach

    1 Antworten

  24. kenny456 15. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Values are 0 - 1 i think

  25. kenny456 14. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Colors can be changed only by editing script in ManualAttaching.lua:

    attaching dots:
    line 361: setTextColor(0.235, 0.6, 0.137, 1.0)

    detaching dots:
    line 410: setTextColor(0.73, 0.05, 0.05, 1.0);

    Hope this help..

    1 Antworten

  26. kenny456 13. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Thank you for reply. Can you copy error from log here please? What version of game you are using. I tested on v1.2.0.1 SP and dedi

    1 Antworten

  27. kenny456 13. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    In what situation? SP or MP?

    1 Antworten

  28. kenny456 13. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Wopster is not original modder of "Manual Attaching", first version was from Burner, from which is this conversion.

    Do you have some problem with this version?

  29. kenny456 11. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    So i fixed following 4 errors:
    -line 58: when you start new game as farm manager or start from scratch
    -line 438: when detaching PTO from trailer with PTO function
    -line 250: when start tipping with trailer with PTO function and no PTO attached
    -line 271: when attaching two conveyor belt (or any with driveable spec)

    Did anybody else found any other error please? Before i release fixed version.

  30. kenny456 10. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Thank you for find this error. I am fixing it.

  31. kenny456 10. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Hi, thanks for your reply. I know about this error and working on it.

  32. kenny456 09. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Hi, can you copy that error here please?

  33. kenny456 09. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    This mod is conversion of this mod, from Burner (original author of the script):

    Then later Wopster released his own version, from which i did not use any line:

  34. kenny456 09. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    This mod is conversion of this mod, from Burner: (original author of the script)

    Then later Wopster released his own version, from which i did not use any line:

    1 Antworten

  35. kenny456 09. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Who is the Urmodder?

  36. kenny456 09. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    standart or mod map?

    2 Antworten

  37. kenny456 09. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Attaching
    Have you any errors in log?

  38. kenny456 03. 02 2019

    Mod: Manual Cutting for Wood Harvester
    This depends on harvester config. This mod only add manual cutting option.

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