Userprofil von Juotca
Member since 12 / 2024

Punkte: 405
Modder Level 7
Rank: n/a
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About Juotca

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  1. Juotca 03. März

    Mod: FS 25 Juotca Flat Map 16X
    Yes, as long as you have atleast 1.6gb storage space in your server.

  2. Juotca 03. März

    Mod: FS 25 Juotca Flat Map 16X
    Thanks for your observation, i will find the problem and fixed it.

  3. Juotca 25. Februar

    Mod: FS25 Juotca Flat Map 4X
    Thanks and noted. I will work on the snow mask in the next update.

  4. Juotca 23. Februar

    Mod: FS 25 Juotca Flat Map 16X
    Yes, I have reduced the size to 1.5 GB for server-friendly due to limited storage space.

  5. Juotca 12. Februar

    Mod: FS25 Juotca Flat Map 4X
    Sorry and Thanks for your comment. It was 2.1GB. After request by server people to lower it below 2GB, i manage 1.5 GB (v1.2).

  6. Juotca 17. Januar

    Mod: FS 25 Juotca Flat Map 16X
    Sorry to hear that. I don't know why it's not loading on your computer. Can you share with me your computer specs? Have you ever loaded any other x16 map for FS 25?
    It was easy to load the x16 map in FS 22, but not the same case in FS 25.
    Can also try to load the Juotca flat map empty version and let me know.

  7. Juotca 17. Januar

    Mod: FS 25 Juotca Flat Map 16X
    Sorry to hear that. I don't know why it's not loading on your computer. Can you share with me your computer specs? Have you ever loaded any other x16 map for FS 25?
    It was easy to load the x16 map in FS 22, but not the same case in FS 25.
    Can also try to load the Juotca flat map empty x16 version and let me know.

  8. Juotca 17. Januar

    Mod: FS 25 Juotca Flat Map 16X
    Sorry to hear that. I don't know why it's not loading on your computer. Can you share with me your computer specs? Have you ever loaded any other x16 map for FS 25?
    It was easy to load the x16 map in FS 22, but not the same case in FS 25.

    2 Antworten

  9. Juotca 07. Januar

    Mod: FS25 Juotca Map 2X
    Hallo, es herrscht Verkehr. Können Sie überprüfen, ob es in Ihrem Spiel deaktiviert ist? Dank.

  10. Juotca 07. Januar

    Mod: FS25 Juotca Map 2X
    Zur Kenntnis genommen, ich werde es überprüfen und beheben. Dank

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