Userprofil von jdgp1931
Member since 8 / 2015

Punkte: 68
Milch Träger
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Gary Alter & Geschlecht: m Wohnort: Decatur Hobbys: Farm Homepage keine Angabe

About jdgp1931

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  1. jdgp1931 07. 08 2017

    Mod: Silage Fräse
    Very good work ! great machine ! Thanks

  2. jdgp1931 20. 01 2017

    Mod: Silage Fräse
    Thanks for your time and effort for finishing this chrisu70 !

  3. jdgp1931 11. 01 2017

    Mod: Silage Fräse
    Having any luck fixing the mixing station cutting problem ?

  4. jdgp1931 08. 12 2016

    Mod: Silage Fräse
    Thanks, favorite in 15 now 17. A real time saver.

  5. jdgp1931 28. 02 2016

    Mod: Lemken Scheibenegge
    Should be removed by moderators !

    1 Antworten

  6. jdgp1931 28. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    Thanks and great work by all !

  7. jdgp1931 27. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    Mixstation not getting any fillplane at pipe trigger, also how to load milk and sell ?

    1 Antworten

  8. jdgp1931 12. 02 2016

    Mod: OGF USA
    Awesome map ! Is there a fix for the mischStation fill tube for loading mixed ration to trailer. Have tried to adjust tube with no luck. Cows getting hungry.

    1 Antworten

    1. Mr.Canadian 13. 02 2016

      Mod: OGF USA
      yes there is a fault in the next version is the mixing station function and your cows will be happy :-)

  9. jdgp1931 09. 12 2015

    Mod: Peterbilt 387
    Thanks, best truck out there ! Like the shifting adds alot.

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