Userprofil von Hungarikum
Member since 4 / 2017

Punkte: 476
Modder Level 7
Rank: #4670
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About Hungarikum

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  1. Hungarikum 09. 05 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    Sheeps can't eat bales. You need grind bales with Siloking

  2. Hungarikum 27. 04 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    V1.3.3. Soon

    -added sugarcane for silo
    -added straw pellet and hay pellet for silo (requied Straw Harvest Addon)
    -map01.i3d.colMap.grle updated

  3. Hungarikum 25. 04 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    V1.3.2 update soon

    -fixed colorful grass
    -fixed acre manure errors in editor
    -fixed grass flower and grass mask errors in editor

    You need start new game for modifications.

    Little trick for modifications if you do not want start new game:
    Before of this better if harvest all your fileld because loose it!!!

    1. Start new game and save. Exit the game.
    2. Go in Documents and find the now saved savegame folder.
    3. Open it and find the "fruit_density.gdm" file and copy.
    4. Copy this file in the now used savegame and overwrite.

    Load the now used savegame and you have the new modification / changes.

  4. Hungarikum 24. 04 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    In my game have normal texture but I'll replace it.

  5. Hungarikum 23. 04 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    I dont understand what the problem. In your game which helper can't work? Which machine?
    And the sugarcane? I can do plant, harvest and I can sell. So what the real problem?
    If you can pls in English.

  6. Hungarikum 23. 04 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    I know but just in the editor. In the game all normal green.
    Do not worry about errors because all textures .dds files not .png

    1 Antworten

  7. Hungarikum 22. 04 2018

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    Thx. I find the problem and fixed it.

  8. Hungarikum 06. 05 2017

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    i dont modified the BGA but I'll see what's the problem

  9. Hungarikum 06. 05 2017

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    In my games works fine. Check without mods in new game.

  10. Hungarikum 23. 04 2017

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    You can find seeds and fertilizer in the shop.

  11. Hungarikum 22. 04 2017

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    Thx. I fix and upload on saturday

  12. Hungarikum 19. 04 2017

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    Seed in the store. (Big Bags)

  13. Hungarikum 19. 04 2017

    Mod: Westbridge Hills flache Karte
    1.1 map update on thursday. - fixed flying animals - fixed pigs position

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