Member since 11 / 2012
Userprofil von Goelm
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Caterpillar725Ultra4v16 Patch
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
Cat 725 dumper pack
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
Cat 725 dumper pack
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
CAT 725 Dumper Pack
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
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Mod: FS15 Cat 725 Dump
This is a broken rip... LOL model is alive on this end....realize VIA getsome2030... nuff said. hmmm
Mod: Cat 345B Pack
I sent you a message with a fix for the turning of the turrent and tracks....I hope you like got mail!
Mod: Caterpillar725Ultra4v16 Patch
The lateralstiffness didn't make it in the patch...the following can be found in the caterpillar.xml:
lateralStiffness="20" Change it to read:
lateralStiffness="10" this will make the driving behavior much smoother...Sorry I did a lot of testing and this was the the last change that didn't make it in the patch..
Mod: Caterpillar725Ultra4v16 Patch
This update should also work on the v1.5.
I changed the lateral stiffness and the cat drives smoother and faster in tight turns.. The only reason for me publishing this mod (v1.5/v1.6/patch was to share what I had from the 2011 version on this site...Been running this for about 2 months or so and wondered why nobody had published a conversion of what I believe to be a great mod. Way to go everybody who made the 2011 version! I welcome anybody to take the reins and share their work as I am feeling that I am happy with the mod as it is with the patch...
Mod: Cat 725 dumper pack
Patch is being compiled.
I discovered sugarbeets were showing as wheat?? Change sugarbeets to sugarBeets and now they show proper. I guess
this was ok for 2011 but not 2013..Funny no error.
I now have the mouse controls "happy" with recommended in game mouse bindings.
Mod: Cat 725 dumper pack
(Langsam) erhalte ich den Code zusammen für die Pedale und das Fahrverhalten wurde eine echte Herausforderung, wie ich an Masse Faktoren angepasst das Fahrverhalten auch mit ihm verändert...Ich denke, die Drehmomente möglicherweise ein wenig hoch, aber das Problem mit engen Wendung...Die Verlangsamung scheint sich mit dem Modell und ich habe nicht wirklich eine Sie Lösung gefunden. Hoffentlich kann jemand einige Vorschläge haben...
Work In Progress, aber wann kann ich das Spiel spielen? hehe
mmm sorry for the weak german
Mod: Cat 725 dumper pack
bubble click???
@neuenstein: I suppose that is possible. I will experiment when I fine the time. I understand the behavior with this model and it does take some getting used to. I have found that the u-trun at the end of fields and it slowing down on a tight turn actually grew on me and I really like it. It makes staying on track much easier..
Thanks for the idea and I 'll stick in to do list.
Mod: Cat 725 dumper pack
I am very weak with blender so new models are not really
my vice..I would like to both find time and learn how to use a 3d editor....kinda leaning towards blender. Maybe somebody could chime in with some help?
Mod: Cat 725 dumper pack
@aceofspades: request noted and put on the to do list
Thank You for the idea, I may need some help though as I
am not sure how those would be loaded. I just run the standard map and it doesn't like beer I had to nix the beer so the water/milk tank didn't throw and error in the log along with nixing the air velocity in the particle system which was discovered only after the water/milk tank became alive.
again thank you and noted.
Mod: Cat 725 dumper pack
water tank is fixed. tested with cow water mod...
you need to top tank to activate trigger and it will charge (Q)
!!THANK YOU ralfrohn !!!! Hope I spelled that right. ;)
added tweaked schema...
lowered the mass on the caterpillar..was ~70 to ~37.9 and lowered the mass scale (16>8) on the tipper/tanks /kuzov.
ignition lights fixed
added polish and change the brake lights on the water/fertilizer tanks.
Hide the uv errors...I still have the files saved
The mouse controls in my opinion suck and they really sucked trying to get them to work reverse engineering a botched xml.
As I said earlier and again j,k,n,m will be your best friend. I would add them to the ui help, but they are the default keys in game.
KP enter to start! if it doesn't work press g and try again!
Most of all I want thank everybody for the crits and help.
Mod: CAT 725 Dumper Pack
water tank is fixed. tested with cow water mod...
you need to top tank to activate trigger and it will charge (Q)
!!THANK YOU ralfrohn !!!! Hope I spelled that right. ;)
added tweaked schema...
lowered the mass on the caterpillar..was ~70 to ~37.9 and lowered the mass scale (16>8) on the tipper/tanks /kuzov.
ignition lights fixed
added polish and change the brake lights on the water/fertilizer tanks.
Hide the uv errors...I still have the files saved
The mouse controls in my opinion suck and they really sucked trying to get them to work reverse engineering a botched xml.
As I said earlier and again j,k,n,m will be your best friend. I would add them to the ui help, but they are the default keys in game.
KP enter to start! if it doesn't work press g and try again!
Most of all I want thank everybody for the crits and help.
Mod: CAT 725 Dumper Pack
Der Dünger und Wasser/Milch Tank wurde nicht getestet... mein schlechtes. die Attchers wurden angepasst für das Tier, aber ich nahm nur die Auslöser waren ok und verlassen sie wie es ist, wie ich war nicht mit im Spiel...Ooops! Ich wird sich das Problem aussehen...
Mod: CAT 725 Dumper Pack
driving behavior takes some getting used to. I have foud using the 1,2,3 speed selects it drives better, but when you use the w,s and turn hard it seems to slow down too much. I have tried various tricks ie: torque, acceleration with no change in behavior....just too fast! The infield testing I have found (for me) very smooth and track well down the field. I don't have 2011 to test that ver...but the Teleskopladerser.lua code from the 2011 mod on this site in my opinion is a total mess.
Mod: CAT 725 Dumper Pack
Thank you everybody for the feedback... positive or negative.
and special thanks to Gambo141, I needed that ;).. I have seen a lot of mods log uv issue and learned to just live with it as it has no negative effect to gameplay. I try to keep to the original and not break the theme of the model. The scripts were either fixed or replaced to keep the scope of the specializations. May I say the 2011 version of the scripts were seriously broken and indexing in the xml didn't fit or didn't exist. I almost threw the mod out and gave up, but disabling a few lines of code and working from the inside out the model came to life.
Mod: CAT 725 Dumper Pack
I am really sorry, But I am just sharing what I was able to do with this mod. I lay no claim on making the was already made for 2011. I tried the i3d ranger and seem to work well, but I only became aware that it existed thanks to schwaki..sorry if I deleted you post, I was really trying to delete the pinned post at top when that happened.
It was an interesting to read the comments posted for i3d ranger pros and cons...