Userprofil von fsaddict
Member since 11 / 2015

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About fsaddict

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  1. fsaddict 01. 12 2019

    Mod: Sägewerk
    I can make the factory run via the GC menu but i can't open the doors and get inside.
    The interaction and door triggers don't work.

  2. fsaddict 14. 04 2016

    Mod: Fortuna FTM 300/8.0
    The trailer is fine when empty but it slides all over the place with a full load of wheat for example.Ones the wheat is in the trailer is very heavy that's why it is sliding.Sadly,adding frictionScale does not stop the sliding...
    First i thought the massPerFillLevel value was too high but it's not that.
    The "deichel" has a huge mass (88).When this value is lowered the trailer start to float behind the tractor like its' connected with a rubber band lol.
    Is there anyone that knows how i can lower the amount of added weight of the wheat?
    Sorry i speak Englisch guys.I would use Google Translate but the translation is very bad.btw what you guys think is the best online translator?

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