Userprofil von FR9050
Member since 4 / 2011

Punkte: 4
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Timothy Alter & Geschlecht: 55 m Wohnort: Manitowoc Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About FR9050

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  1. FR9050 31. 10 2015

    Mod: John Deere 8530
    I put this on my Multiplayer server and displayed alot of errors, I will show them here. Here are the errors:
    Issues (6)
    Invalid UTF-8 encoding in modDesc.xml. Convert modDesc.xml to UTF-8.
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'Assets/Cofano/JD 8520'
    DDS texture file 'Textures/' is too big. Size 10.67 MB (max. 6.00 MB)
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'Textures/Box003Ambient Occlusion'
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'Textures/JD 8520'
    OGG audio files not recommended. 1 found (max. 0)

    2 Antworten

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