Userprofil von ferrycap
Member since 6 / 2011

Punkte: 12
Rank: n/a
Vorname: john walker Alter & Geschlecht: 57 m Wohnort: Mississippi Hobbys: PC simulation games Homepage keine Angabe

About ferrycap

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  1. ferrycap 22. 10 2015

    Mod: New Holland Cr Combine
    Is the truck in the photo available for download? Thanks.

    1 Antworten

  2. ferrycap 23. 03 2013

    Mod: Ropa euro Bunker Mouse 3
    where can i find the dump anywhere script for 2013?

  3. ferrycap 02. 07 2012

    Mod: Renault Magnum
    what software did you use to convert the scs to i3d? Thanks.

  4. ferrycap 24. 03 2012

    Mod: TSL MMXII II - The Port
    Bravo Zulu on this Map Secret Life. My Full Time Job is a Harbor Ferry Captain. I'm also a Harbor Pilot as well. I love the Ferry Idea. If i knew how to make mods i would make a mod of the Ferry i operate everyday....

  5. ferrycap 13. 03 2012

    Mod: schönes land map
    What Fruits are on the Map?

  6. ferrycap 19. 02 2012

    Mod: Mountain River Valley Map by MC M@C
    to get the map to work. Please check your log for errors. I downloaded the BGA Control V1 because i had an error in it.

    Upzip the file and copy the BGA Control Lua file and paste it over the BGA Control Lua in the scripts and it should work. It worked for me...

  7. ferrycap 25. 01 2012

    Mod: Bassumer Land Ge
    Is there another website to download this map from? has ruined Farm simulating for us here in the states as we know it.

  8. ferrycap 14. 11 2011

    Mod: KoelledaMap_Final_mitDLC
    How do you get the cows to load in the trailer?

  9. ferrycap 14. 11 2011

    Mod: KoelledaMap_Final_mitDLC
    How do you get the cows to load in the trailer?

  10. ferrycap 16. 09 2011

    Mod: SMM m TG_EEKA
    i downloaded the map but i can't see all the Fruits that are advertised. Is there a Fruit folder? Thanks.

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