Userprofil von fcelsa
Member since 1 / 2016

Punkte: 2.035
Modder Level 12
Rank: #931
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 52 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About fcelsa

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  1. fcelsa 05. 01 2019

    Mod: Sonnenkollektor
    You have stolen this shed.

  2. fcelsa 06. 10 2017

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner with AutoLoadWood script
    tension belt configuration it's default, if you load a lot of logs, this can be happen

  3. fcelsa 07. 03 2017

    Mod: sawdust mod
    For a problem to collect woodchips on rough terrain with default front loader, you have some option for better results:
    - silage cutter from chrisu70
    - ahwi fm700 from Patar
    - varius roller for clean
    - plough

  4. fcelsa 12. 12 2016

    Mod: FS1485 Forwarder mit Autoload
    You had 5 star from me t0xic0m, but please, mentions me in script credits, I have made hard works for new FS17 AutoloadWood script.

    1 Antworten

  5. fcelsa 29. 11 2016

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner with AutoLoadWood script
    sometimes a little bit difficult to "find" logs depends from terrain difference in level, or some particular angles.
    Try little move forward and reverse, during autoload on.

  6. fcelsa 28. 11 2016

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner with AutoLoadWood script
    most of them are self explanatory, the size of trigger depends from model i3d.
    The speed are milliseconds and define time from one log to other.

    fillPose for x,y,z position on load
    unloadPose x,y,z position on unload

    at the end last parameter are range of length and tolerable number of branches.

  7. fcelsa 27. 11 2016

    Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner with AutoLoadWood script
    I'm working on a small tandem trailer, and other things with AutoLoadWood, stay tuned.

  8. fcelsa 24. 10 2016

    Mod: Gallignani 9250 SL
    For who want to make silage bale: you need to select 1,2 m. bale dimension, so default ursus and bale stacker can manipulate.

  9. fcelsa 30. 03 2016

    Mod: Brantner Timber Autoload
    your graphics details settings I suppose

  10. fcelsa 27. 03 2016

    Mod: firewood
    for those who have not yet discovered:
    the stumps can be removed "on the fly" and add his wieght to firewood pallet, with [Left-Shift]+[Q]

    (If it does not disappear, the reason is that they are planted in the ground for over 2 meters)

  11. fcelsa 20. 03 2016

    Mod: firewood
    after map loading and cutting start, can appear a "great request" he can multiply value from 1.1 to 1.9 (random) message about this appear at first use of chainsaw and this is valid until exit of map.
    Also, when the average temperature is below 14° C the price of firewood will have an increment of 30%.

  12. fcelsa 19. 03 2016

    Mod: firewood
    You need to change key in row 300 of firewood.lua script.

    if Input.isKeyPressed(Input.KEY_q) then

    change with key you want.
    I'm sorry but I don't master of modding script, I'm just an amateur.
    There will certainly be a better way programming this.

  13. fcelsa 18. 03 2016

    Mod: Push Object
    ...small pieces of wood to the log splitter...

  14. fcelsa 14. 03 2016

    Mod: Push Object
    Thank you! this is a great news.

  15. fcelsa 13. 03 2016

    Mod: Push Object
    With base of your code, is possible to attach small piece of wood to the player, and move around and place on other position and place ?

    1 Antworten

    1. gelöschter Nutzer 13. 03 2016

      Mod: Push Object
      I had sth like this in mind, but that solution was quicker. It should be done in future versions.

      2 Antworten

  16. fcelsa 13. 03 2016

    Mod: firewood
    if you don't want meter, you can hide with comment row from 437 to 445 in firewood.lua

  17. fcelsa 06. 03 2016

    Mod: Paradise Hill's by Stevie.
    I think is possible with vertexdezign service trailer:

  18. fcelsa 28. 02 2016

    Mod: firewood
    There are a lot of unreal things in FS15, my mod is just another compromise...
    But dry wood to sell it is a great idea for the next version, thank you very much !! ;)

  19. fcelsa 28. 02 2016

    Mod: firewood
    hier kein Problem ;)

    only information after loading of map.

  20. fcelsa 28. 02 2016

    Mod: firewood
    Good work with new version of firewood!
    A little Easter Egg hidden in the code, who will be the first one who finds him?

    2 Antworten

  21. fcelsa 17. 02 2016

    Mod: firewood
    Update is on the way...
    the measurement can be reset, and multiplayer support is almost ok, the slice of wood we can wipe out on request.
    stay tuned!

  22. fcelsa 12. 02 2016

    Mod: firewood
    At this moment no money arrive when you play as client in MP or dedicated server, this is a know bug.
    MP player has launched game, work correct.
    I apologize if you found this mod useless, i hope you try next version.
    Good farming.

  23. fcelsa 31. 01 2016

    Mod: firewood
    I'm glad that like the idea, I am an amateur and are not yet able to work with pallets and trigger, but I'm working for the V2.
    and no, I don't think the skorpion will be involved in this work.

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