Member since 12 / 2014
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Mod: Same Dorado 86 and Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 87
Realy good i love that tractors, but display, gauges, change oil, twin tires and mirrors comes in second versión? Good good good
Mod: Fendt Weights
the only error is when you attach any weight shows low and up type description I have FS 15 in spanish. thanks
Mod: Crosetto CMR200
buen mod pero la pintura no es brillante y no se ensucia solo se ensucia el eje de poder y las trabas de las ruedas ademas solo una de los dos tipos de ruedas deja huella. mis felicitaciones a esperar otra version corregida:)
Mod: New Holland Drescher Set
when you select color change the color of lights to
Mod: New Holland Drescher Set
the mod have problems with numbers on display interior (rpm and speed)