Userprofil von entropie
Member since 11 / 2016

Punkte: 9
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About entropie

keine Angabe
  1. entropie 28. 05 2020

    Mod: MRF Special Lowloader TL38
    thx and what are the trucks your using here?

  2. entropie 04. 08 2017

    Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons

    very nice map ,good for big equipment.
    i've encountered a problem with the water trigger at the second vineyard , it is possible to unload but the tank will not fill up.

  3. entropie 06. 11 2016

    Mod: Container Traverse
    will this mod be upgraded to fs17 i've tryed converting but i'm not a modder so all the errors give me a headache and i don't understand anything about the scripts

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