Userprofil von Emre ayiboan
Member since 7 / 2014

Emre ayiboan
Punkte: 14
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Ayiboan Alter & Geschlecht: 48 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: farming Homepage keine Angabe

About Emre ayiboan

keine Angabe
  1. Emre ayiboan 14. 04 2019

    Mod: Mercedes Zetros 3643 6×6 V2
    ?t is perfect! Only the suspension does not work. ?f you can fix the suspension it will be a really nice mod.

  2. Emre ayiboan 10. 06 2018

    Mod: John Deere 8020 Serie
    The camera angle is so weird. After playing 4, 5 minutes im starting to feel sick. SOmething like motion sickness. Can you adjust the cmera angle please? Or at least tell me how to do it ?l do it myself on my copy. The mod is perfect but the camera anlge is soo bad. Please fix it or tell me how can i fix it on my copy. Please. ? cant play like that it makes me feel sick and my head aches.

  3. Emre ayiboan 08. 06 2018

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    ? play this map (2.8version) with seasons. When ? seed the fields after some time they are being harvested. ? seed them again and stil the same. ?s that happens because of an onother mod? Do you know the solution, or does it have a solution?

  4. Emre ayiboan 15. 01 2018

    Mod: John Deere 8020 Serie
    Why are you modder do this strange camera angle? ?t makes me feel sick. ? can't play with this camera angle. The mod is just perfect but i can't play it, i just feel sick when i play with it.

  5. Emre ayiboan 04. 12 2017

    Mod: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X
    Man keep upgrading it. The concept is very good. ? would really like if you work a little bit more on this mode.This is my dream car and as i cant buy it in real life i want to drive it in the game.

  6. Emre ayiboan 24. 08 2017

    Mod: Sprinter
    i can't buy it. It sucks on the buying scene

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