Userprofil von Dldrth
Member since 10 / 2016

Punkte: 17
Rank: n/a
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About Dldrth

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  1. Dldrth 28. 12 2016

    Mod: CaseIH Wagenkühler 32m
    Could you also make a smaller version, like 10-12 meters wide. Just with the 3 middle planter parts rather than whole 7. 32 meters is a little too wide for my taste.
    Other than that, great job with the both planter and cart. Thanks for sharing.

    1 Antworten

  2. Dldrth 30. 11 2016

    Mod: CaseIH Wagenkühler 32m
    That's a very clean looking map,
    Hope to see that on ModHoster soon.

  3. Dldrth 30. 11 2016

    Mod: CaseIH Wagenkühler 32m
    What is the map you have used in the pictures?

    1 Antworten

  4. Dldrth 30. 10 2016

    Mod: GPS
    Everything works amazing. Thanks for the upgrade to the FS17.

    If it's not a big issue, I have a little request.
    Is it possible to have GPS Active icon to show up in the Vehicle Info HUD too.
    I like to play with minimal hud open while I'm driving.

    Just a simple example from me.

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