Userprofil von dkocby
Member since 5 / 2011

Punkte: 12
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Dejan Alter & Geschlecht: 36 m Wohnort: Slovenija , Ptuj Hobbys: Landwirtschafts simulator ... :) Homepage keine Angabe

About dkocby

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  1. dkocby 01. 12 2011

    Mod: Rekordia Zubringer
    where can I get dolly with 1 achse only ? it is on the image No.10

    1 Antworten

  2. dkocby 27. 10 2011

    Mod: Heath Super Chaser
    it doesn't work to me ? why? when I set it to working position it doesn't pick up the bale. I have tryed it with different balers, but it didn't work anyway...

  3. dkocby 13. 08 2011

    Mod: Fendt 930 Vario
    where can I download the seeder that is on first image ? vaderstad i think...

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