Userprofil von david-brown
Member since 2 / 2016

Punkte: 10
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About david-brown

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  1. david-brown 28. 02 2016

    Mod: Amerikanischen Super-B Autoload
    The bale locking script uses the same key 'O" as the trailer unload script. So, you can't auto unload the trailer. The bails just jump back on the trailer when you unload them.

  2. david-brown 28. 02 2016

    Mod: Paradise Hill's by Stevie.
    Any eta on the fattening fix? Also, why does the potato washer take seeds and not potatoes?

    1 Antworten

  3. david-brown 23. 02 2016

    Mod: KernStadt
    To be even more precise, I start a new game and sold all my equipment. When the hour changed the game deducted 1226 dollars from my account. I had no machines and no animals.

  4. david-brown 23. 02 2016

    Mod: KernStadt
    One question: Why is the map taking 1300 from my bank every time the hour changes. It's costing me ~30000 dollars per day even with all my equipment idle. My daily maintenance costs are around 2500, so it's too much. I have 0 loan, and the expenses on the 'I' screen appear normal.

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