Member since 11 / 2011
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Grande Grande Grande Ago
sono un artigiano e ogni volta che vedo uno dei TUOI lavori (nuovi o conversioni) non posso far altro che pensare a te come a un:
Artigiano del modding con maniacale attenzione ai dettagli
Grazie, perché penso che il tuo "lavoro" nel modding e la tua abilità stiano stimolando anche altri modders italiani e non a fare sempre meglio.
Grazie grazie grazie =D
Mod: Väderstad Soil Mod Set
Really a nice mod and briliiant idea! Only one suggestion... It would be helpful if you add a SoilMod text or the SoilMod logo (with Decker permission) in the store pictures of your implement, so those of us that have other Väderstad seeders and or harrows do not get confused while buying.
Thanks a lot.
Cheers =D
Mod: Ingame Taschenrechner
5 stars 4 2 reasons:
1st - This is a brilliant idea, even though almost everyone has a smartphone at hand ;P
2nd - By choosing not to prohibit changes... HURRAY!!! =D
Thumbs up for you!
Mod: HKL Agroliner ITS 26
Wenn Sie meine Nachricht beziehen sind glaube nicht, dass ich jemand respektlos behandelt, fand ich nur eine
Sache, und ich dachte, es wäre nützlich, um es an die Modder berichten, zuerst mit einer Frage und dann mit einer Erklärung. Dann, wenn der Respekt, mit Schweigen gemessen wird dann vielleicht nicht verstehen, etwas über das Leben.
Sorry für mein deutsch, aber ich musste ein Übersetzer
If you're referring to my message do not think I disrespected anyone, I only found one thing and I thought it would be useful to report it to the modder, first with a question and then with a statement. Then, if the respect is measured with silence then maybe I did not understand anything about life.
Sorry for my deutsch but I had to use a translator
Mod: HKL Agroliner ITS 26
Der Agroliner ITS26 ist nicht waschbar
Mod: HKL Agroliner ITS 26
Hi Dani,
nice mod but I have a doubt... You wrote in the changelog that the Agroliner ITS26 is now washable but I've read the related xml files and there's no code that manage the washable script. I'm right?
Mod: Bassumer Land
Really nice map, 4 stars IMHO for 2 reasons:
1st - I don't like autoextracting achives, I prefer to see what I'm going to add in my folder
2nd - Found a big issue with the BGAControl, it prevents the game to start when I begin a new game, even if I load an existing one.
Beside this, good work! =D