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Mod: Inheritance
Hi Mogul,
Just discovered that when doing 'contracting' work, it is impossible to get to the start of fields 12 and 14 from the field marker point where your tasks are allocated in the time that the game allows you to get to the field to start the task. I have tried field 12 about 4 times, but the time runs out before I get to the field choose which combine you select.
Is there an easy way where I can extend the time that is allotted for one to get from the field marker to the field?
Or, do I just leave those fields and get on with other field contracting work, until you have a further edit, and move the field markers closer to the field?
Thanks mate,
Mod: Inheritance
Hi Mogul,
Thanks for your reply (Thu), the Lely was right under my nose - I must be blind!!
I agree that it is more likely to be a memory problem, so I will use GPS for the big fields when I am tight with money, and use the helper when I'm flush.
(The eggs in the Chicken coop need some finding, the long grass camouflages the eggs very well, I've never found them ALL on each visit).
Thanks for the Map mate, you are an 'Artist' to produce such a beautiful map of this quality and this Map will suit any FS17 player who plays on it - I personally love the BIG BIG Fields,
All the best for the future Mogul,- Yours Very Gratefully!!...
Mod: Inheritance
Hi Mogul,
Firstly, which mod site supports the Lely Forage Wagons you refer to (Mon) below - I have searched 6 or 7 and can only find Lely Wagons for FS 2015?
Secondly, have spent 3 days on Inheritance V1 edit 2 and all OK until I try to use Courseplay on Field 5 (Fields 2, 3, 4 and 6 OK no problems), on Field 5 computer crashes (have GTX 980 Ti), having to use 'Hired Help' which is expensive - can you help Please?
Mod: Inheritance
What a brilliant Map Mogul, Well Done, I always like BIG BIG FIELDS!!
I always have difficulty trying to find the LATEST VERSION of a mod, and on this mod there are V.1, V1.1, V1.edit 2 god knows which is the LATEST, I presume V1 edit2, as that is the one I have loaded, please tell me if I am wrong. I love this map, and would like the latest version (wouldn't it be easier if modder's simply put V1 then V2 then V3 so we can see V3 is the latest? or am I not seeing something they are???).
Love the map but discovered which ever of my OWN fields I cut, and select Enable Straw Swath, and if I START with my cut N to S I can ONLY collect the straw with my Loading Wagon from S to N (Same with N to S can only pick up S to N) it will NOT pick up the straw in the direction of my first cut, for the whole of the field. Likewise if I cut E to W the same rules apply.
Can anyone help please or does Mogul need to correct this in a future V. (I have never had this problem before and I have played since FS 15!!!)
Help PLEASE!!!....