Member since 8 / 2015
Userprofil von Ciondolo
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Alter & Geschlecht:
Annone Veneto
farming, tractor, old tractor, trucks
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About Ciondolo
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Mod: John Deere 2058
Does it have pivoting axle? or moving axle in this version?
Mod: John Deere 5085M
does it have moving axle??
Mod: Fiat G240 & New Holland 8970
does this tractor have moving front axle?
Mod: Fiat 1300dt super
can you make a new version with moving front axle please?
Mod: Fiat680
Can you (autor) or someone make a version with swing front-axle please??
Mod: Pistenbully 600 e
Hi, How to start engine??
Mod: Grand Jura Map
How does the wood factory work? How to refuel the fuel? and where? thank's for reply
Mod: FIAT 1300 DT
Ah ok thank's for answer ;) hope to see it soon on download section with permission
Mod: FIAT 1300 DT
Where we can find the 2wd version?
Mod: IHC 1455A
Nice mod thank you!!!! But it will be more beatiful with ploughing spec ???? can you add it please?