Userprofil von cerberum1
Member since 9 / 2017

Punkte: 37
Modder Level 2
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About cerberum1

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  1. cerberum1 13. 09 2017

    Mod: Hollandsche Flachen
    Hi, I have a fix for missing "woodPellet" material, and also for missing "lime" effects:
    I have also added IT translation to moddesc (please note that you need my moddesc anyway because I've fixed the AdditionalMapTypes entries in there).

    As for the Farm Silos, there are 3:

    1) On the lower right corner, by the gas station
    2) Lower left corner, by the cows
    3) In the middle, next to bga (only earth fruits accepted)

    By the way the map has been designed to make use of heaps (tip to ground). Otherwise I suggest to try some placeable storages.

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