Userprofil von BRMOD
Member since 1 / 2012

Punkte: 1.271
Modder Level 10
Rank: #1584
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 38 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage


keine Angabe
  1. BRMOD 30. 05 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost Final Edition
    Pigs are not purchased. You feed and they appear.
    The fields you buy in shop

  2. BRMOD 07. 05 2013

    Mod: Paradise
    My god, I thought I had removed this railroad!
    But the next version will be 1.0 and will come with many new and improvements, bug fixes and more stable.

  3. BRMOD 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    This is a nice map;

  4. BRMOD 24. 01 2012

    Mod: Agritec 2011
    Good morning everyone MODHOSTER site.
    I am here to announce that I'm working on a new version (FINAL) Map
    Agritec 2011. Further reducing their size and improving its performance.
    The date for the first video is the end of February.
    Stay tuned on my channel on youtube for more information:

Dieser Nutzer hat noch keine Projekte vorgestellt.

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