Userprofil von Bluejava
Member since 11 / 2012

Punkte: 52
Modder Level 3
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 40 m Wohnort: Sweden Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Bluejava

keine Angabe
  1. Bluejava 05. 01 2013

    Mod: OGF MAP
    is not from germany. I forgot to write that after Farming simulator 2013.

  2. Bluejava 05. 01 2013

    Mod: OGF MAP
    Make a copy in English to not all the players that are playing Farming Simulator 2013. So please make one that the signs are in english

    1 Antworten

  3. Bluejava 12. 11 2012

    Mod: Scania AGRO PACK
    Hi can you try to take the reflecting skin away, and it will be rely good

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