Member since 6 / 2013
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Mod: PowerGrid Belegung
Works perfect. Thank you. More controls are always appreciated as is this development.
Mod: seasonManager
Meine Frau und ich genieße diesen Mod. Vielen Dank für die Arbeit in diese machen.
Mod: Notes Mod
Is there documentation we can read up on?
Mod: Notes Mod
Joking aside, I think you did a great job. Both my wife and I tested this out and your mod is simple, blends in nice, and works on the different resolutions well. We decided to put ours aside and use this one as it does exactly what we were doing, just simpler to use. :)
Great work :) I'll be sure to pass the link to all we know and recommend this.
Mod: Notes Mod
Nice. I see my taskLog ( has competition. :)
Mod: Stappenbach
Great map. Very detailed and well structured. I will enjoy this very much. Thank you for all the hard work put into this.
Mod: Tunxdorf
This is one of the best and favorite maps my wife and I like to play. The map is well done with great detail and lots of extras. Really appreciate the time put into this map.