Member since 6 / 2012
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Mod: Lely Lotus Stabilo 770
this mod has accurate lely paint colours
Mod: Lely Lotus Stabilo 770
at least it has the correct information this time
Mod: John Deere 7710
nice looking mod unfortunalty the wheels are incorrect the correct wheels are basically a rim with a square in the niddle giving the strength of the wheel
Mod: Fendt Vario 724 SCR Standard Grün für LS13 von T.I.F und ModHoster-Teamwerkstatt
have just found out this tractor will not lift the very first seeder you get given in the game the conversion has missed the change in linkage between ls 2011 and ls 2013
Mod: Fendt Vario 724 SCR Standard Grün für LS13 von T.I.F und ModHoster-Teamwerkstatt
thanks for the great mod but i am missing the wheel weights and the front weight please explain where they can be found
Mod: john deere 7968
full of errors and no such john deere as a 7968 get facts correct before naming a mod