Member since 5 / 2011
Userprofil von beetle
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About beetle
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Coca Cola Weihnachts
vor etwa 8 Jahre
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Dieser Nutzer hat noch keine Projekte vorgestellt.
Mod: Maschienen Halle
Why don't i see the original credit's ????
Respect the modder who made this and put his name into the credit's !!!!!!!
Mod: Scania R730 Tiertransporte
Can u put all the animals into the truck and trailer ?
Like the goose and pony and ostrich
Mod: MAN TGS Kipper mit Anhänger
Nice stuff
in the shop picture i see a MAN truck 26.440 is it somewhere for download ?
I love your stuff
Mod: Krone Comprima V180SFR
i think it is in real
Mod: Nederland
Not happy at all
U are using a shed with-out naming the credits from the maker of the shed !!!
and u are using a skin for the train and i didn't gave u permission to use in your map
u didn't even asked it
and i can not reply on your website mike because u banned almost every admin-moderator from
so remove the map or replace the train
Mod: Garagenrolltor Groß
is there a link to the right mapdoortrigger ?
Mod: Actros MP3
where did u got that nice joskin :)
Mod: Mercedes Benz 1935 Agrar
Can't wait for the dolly and trailer
keep it going buddy