Userprofil von basstier2007
Member since 9 / 2015

Punkte: 561
Holz Hacker
Rank: #3867
Vorname: Sascha Alter & Geschlecht: 36 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About basstier2007

keine Angabe
  1. basstier2007 04. 03 2018

    Mod: Ponsse Buffalo mit Ladekran ohne Autoload
    Sehr geil. Bitte noch autoload einfügen wie beim anderen :)

  2. basstier2007 26. 01 2018

    Könntest du mir den bitte schicken? Wäre nett!

  3. basstier2007 26. 11 2017

    Mod: Forst-Erweiterung für das MAN TGS 6x/8x/10x WR-Pack
    Wegen dem einsinken nochmal. Liegt nicht am mod. Hab das Problem nur auf der Stappenbach, andere maps ist es nicht der Fall. LG

    1 Antworten

  4. basstier2007 25. 11 2017

    Mod: Forst-Erweiterung für das MAN TGS 6x/8x/10x WR-Pack
    Hey ich habe leider ein Problem. Bei mir stehen die Häcksler beim Kauf im Boden, so tief das ich nicht drunter fahren kann. Woran liegt das?
    Brauche ich auch die neuste Version von den Lkws?
    Sehen verdammt gut aus! Log ist frei.

    1 Antworten

    1. Cougii 25. 11 2017

      Mod: Forst-Erweiterung für das MAN TGS 6x/8x/10x WR-Pack
      Tagchen. Das mit dem Einsinken ist natürlich blöde.. Ich habe es bisher nicht mehr gehabt. Versuche die Fahrzeuge einfach mal zurückzusetzen. Das hilft gerne mal. Natürlich arbeite ich auch daran und ich versuche das Ganze mit dem nächsten Update besser zu machen :)

      Grüße :)

      PS.: Ein Update vom Basismod mit dem LKW ist empfohlen, aber nicht nötig.

  5. basstier2007 16. 09 2017

    Mod: Rückfahrkamera für LKW
    Kannst du sowas auch für ls17 machen bitte?

    1 Antworten

  6. basstier2007 15. 09 2017

    Mod: Hopfenbachtal
    Ich finde es eigl armselig das immer noch modder auf upload hochladen. Obwohl es modhub gibt was ja anscheinend auch bisschen was bringt( Lösung für Spieler und modder) . Ich finde es genial von GIANTS das sie sowas eingeführt haben so wird diese Seite überflüssig.
    Ich werde auch nichts mehr von upload runterladen, vorher warte ich bis es woanders kommt, und schick ihm was über PayPal.

  7. basstier2007 11. 09 2017

    Mod: JoskinDrakkar_8600_Black
    Schade, sieht wirklich sehr geil aus das Teil

  8. basstier2007 11. 09 2017

    Mod: JoskinDrakkar_8600_Black
    hey wo gibt's den MB Truck?

  9. basstier2007 31. 08 2017

    Mod: MAN TGS 6x/8x/10x -WR- als Pack
    Danke für die vielen tollen Mods. Eine Bitte hätte ich, könntest du vill all deine Mods in die selbe Kategorie machen im Spiel? Danke :)
    5 Sterne und Empfehlung

  10. basstier2007 24. 08 2017

    Mod: Same Fortis Forestry Edition
    hey wo gibt's den Hänger?

    1 Antworten

    1. FS_noob 25. 08 2017

      Mod: Same Fortis Forestry Edition
      Hello, the trailer uses the 3d model from a FS15 mod that I converted which is not mine, so I don't know if I am allowed to publish it.

  11. basstier2007 07. 07 2017

    Mod: Claas Xerion 3300/3800
    Bitte die Reifen anpassen. Genau wie bei den anderen 2. Xerion. Reifen drehen auf dem Acker durch wenn er gegrubert bzw gepflügt ist. Kommt Dan kaum vorwärts wenn was schweres hinten dranhängt.
    4/5 Sterne

  12. basstier2007 05. 07 2017

    Mod: Claas Xerion 4500/5000 (2009-2013)
    hat das funktioniert?

    1 Antworten

  13. basstier2007 05. 07 2017

    Mod: Claas Xerion 4500/5000 (2009-2013)
    Bitte mal nach den Reifen schauen bei deinen xerions, die rutschen bei mir über den Acker und haben kein Grip. Ist nur auf den Äckern so ansonsten kein Problem
    4/5 Sterne, wenn das behoben wird sind es 10

  14. basstier2007 03. 07 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    Geht wahrscheinlich nur über pn

  15. basstier2007 03. 07 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    habe das Problem nur bei der Südhemmern und bei der Porta...

  16. basstier2007 03. 07 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (14220) 64bit (Build Date: Feb 17 2017)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2016, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
    Application: FarmingSimulator2017
    Main System
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4160 CPU @ 3.60GHz
    Memory: 8075 MB
    OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.5
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick enabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Number of Axes: 5
    Number of Buttons: 14
    Audio System
    Driver: OpenAL
    Version: 1.1
    Device: Generic Software
    Render System
    Driver: Direct 3D 11
    Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
    Version: (29.9.2016)
    Revision: 161
    Feature level: DirectX 11 ON
    Info: Effective window resolution 1600 x 900
    Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
    Hardware Profile
    Level: Custom Low
    View Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Shadow Quality: 0.000000 Size: 1 Filter-Size: 4
    Shader Quality: 0
    Skip Mipmaps: 1
    LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Foliage Density: 0.300000
    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.500000
    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
    Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 0
    Max. Number of Lights: 512
    Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
    MSAA: 0
    Farming Simulator 17
    Version: 1.4.4RC8
    Available Languages: de
    Language: de
    Time: 2017-07-03 14:00:18
    Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'frontloader'
    Register configuration 'motor'
    Register configuration 'baseColor'
    Register configuration 'wheel'
    Register configuration 'rimColor'
    Register configuration 'design'
    Register configuration 'designColor'
    Register configuration 'vehicleType'
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Load dlc: pdlc_kuhnPack (Version:
    Load mod: AAA_UniversalProcessKit (Version: 17.0.6)
    Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger (Version: 1.0.4)
    Load mod: BaleMaster_Auto_Load (Version: 2.0)
    Load mod: BergmannHTW65 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: BGABully600 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: Challenger_MT900Terra (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: choppedStraw (Version:
    Load mod: Claas_Lexionjj (Version: 0.1)
    Load mod: CotechFE108 (Version:
    Load mod: disableVehicleCameraCollision (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_NewHolland_FR (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FermentingSilo_FS17_placeable (Version: 1.5)
    Load mod: FERRI_TPE_Evo_by_HoFFi (Version: 1.1)
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod FERRI_TPE_Evo_by_HoFFi
    Load mod: FL_JohnDeere7030Serie (Version: 0.95)
    Load mod: FS17Contest_Challenger_Rogator_645D (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17Contest_maschioGaspardoPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17Contest_Sicma_Multigrind200_v1 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17Contest_strautmannAperion (Version:
    Load mod: FS17Contest_TajfunEGV80AHK_50k (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17Contest_terralandtn_profi (Version:
    Load mod: FS17Contest_visiniTetra (Version:
    Load mod: FS17JohnDeere6M (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17MAN10X10SLTGLPT (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_20130FB (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_AdapterFL (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_AIVehicleExtension (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_AlpegoDX600 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_AnimalTableManners (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_AnimatedObjectDoorFix (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ArtMechanic_LS540 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Bergziege_Prototyp_II (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BigM (Version: 1.3)
    Load mod: FS17_Biobeltz_RG200 (Version: 1)
    Load mod: FS17_Biobeltz_TR750 (Version: 1.1)
    Load mod: FS17_BsMTrailer_Tipper70000 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BsM_Trailer_Dolly6000 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_buffalo_logTransporter (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_BuyBales (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_CAT_D6N_LGP (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ClaasAxion800HGF (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_ClaasCougar1400 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ClaasXerion5000V5FinaleEdition (Version: 5.0)
    Load mod: FS17_ClaasXerionModell2009Finale (Version: 2.0)
    Load mod: FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Claas_Lexion_780_Limited_Edition (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_cMAN_TGS_FASW_68_V4 (Version: 4.5.6)
    Load mod: FS17_cMAN_TGS_HKL_68_V5 (Version: 5.7.4)
    Load mod: FS17_Coolamon_Chaser_Bins_45T_60T (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_CutterAdapter (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DammannProfiClaasTandem (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_FollowMe (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_RoundBalerAutoUnload (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_dirtyRain (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DOLL_Panther_JD_Green (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FBP3135_ToggleWrapper (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fendt700er_Pack (Version: 1.1)
    Load mod: FS17_fendt800 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fendt_700_Vario_MR (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_fillTypeMassAdjustment_realistic (Version: 4.0 FS17)
    Load mod: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fork_Cotech_Claws_BsM (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule01_CropDestruction (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule02_TireDirt (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule03_GroundResponse (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FrontloaderLogGrapple (Version: 1)
    Load mod: FS17_FuelUsageDisplay (Version: 3.6.2)
    Load mod: FS17_Ground_Modification (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_holmerHR12 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_holmerHR6 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_holmerPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_holmerTerraDosT4_30 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_itRunnerPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Joskin_KTP_2250_BsM (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Joskin_Q_BIG_32000 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_kotteMilkBarrel (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_kotteUniversalPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_krampeDolly20L (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Kroeger_TDK302OL (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KroneBigX580TE (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KroneBigXCargo (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_kroneBigXPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KroneKWT11x22 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_KroneSwadro2000 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KRPAN_Winch_OpenBeta (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_kuhn_SPVXXL (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Laumetris_PTL_20R (Version: 1)
    Load mod: FS17_LightAddon (Version: 2.0.1)
    Load mod: FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack (Version:
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'function_fertilizerMixer' in mod 'FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Load mod: FS17_LiquidManurepit (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_lizardFloodLightTrailer (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_lizardRoadRage (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_masseyFerguson8737BlackEdition (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MB3D_ClaasPickUp300 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MB3D_JohnDeere7030 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MeasureHelp (Version: 2.0)
    Load mod: FS17_Mercedes_Actros_SLT_JD_Green (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Meyer_Komfortballast_KB_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MF_Delta_9380 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MultiStorageShed (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_newhollandT9SmartTrax (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_PeeconBiga (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_pentaDB50 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_placeablefireHydrant (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_placeableRefillStation (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Podborshik (Version: 2)
    Load mod: FS17_poettingerUniversalAutoLoader (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ponsse_crane (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_ProSeed (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Ramp (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_ReckJumbo2 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_repairVehicles (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_Saatgut_Duenger_Lager_placeable (Version: 3.0)
    Load mod: FS17_Saegewerk_placeable (Version: 1.1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_SafetyWeight (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_sampohr46_pack (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_SaphirWeightsPackage (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_sauterFastCoupler (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_sawdust (Version: 1.1.1)
    Load mod: FS17_Scorpionking_1_2 (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_seed_express_1260jhg (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Silogewicht (Version: 30.10.16)
    Load mod: FS17_Silo_Cleaner (Version: 17.1)
    Load mod: FS17_Slow_Hall_Extendable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_slow_hall_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_sowingMachines_V1 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_StopMilkSale_1_0 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_TowBar (Version: 1.0.0)
    Load mod: FS17_UniversalLGS (Version: 1.1)
    Load mod: FS17_UPK_DirtAddTrigger_v1_0_Beta (Version: 1.1 Beta)
    Load mod: FS17_ValtraS_Series (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_valtraTSeriesCowEdition (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Valtra_T_Series (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Vanhool_Tanker (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Volvo_EC300E (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_wildGrass (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_WoodChipStorage (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_woodCrusher (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_workingToolbox (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation (Version:
    Load mod: FS17__Claas_Xerion (Version:
    Load mod: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17 (Version: 1.0.8)
    Load mod: FSM_TheBeast_LS17 (Version:
    Load mod: FS_17ClaasJaguar900SeriesV2Beast (Version: 2.0)
    Load mod: Futtermischer_pack_placeable (Version: 1.4)
    Load mod: GoldhoferBuyableColorH (Version: 1.1)
    Load mod: GrimmeMultiPack (Version:
    Load mod: Guellepack (Version:
    Load mod: HoT_Seedfertilizer_placeable (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: Inspect17 (Version: 0.2b)
    Load mod: JD7030SeriesV22FS17 (Version: 2.2)
    Load mod: johny_imt_5131 (Version:
    Load mod: Kemper390PlusPappeln (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: Krone (Version:
    Load mod: KRTINA_9000 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: KST_PittsLT40 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: Lagerhalle_1 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: LS17_cornmill (Version:
    Load mod: LS17_enginebrake (Version: 2.0)
    Load mod: ls17_jd548 (Version:
    Load mod: MapAutosave_LS17 (Version: 2.0.1)
    Load mod: MBJSS117 (Version:
    Load mod: MilkTrigger_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: MoneyModsLS17 (Version:
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/MP_Ramp_Prefab/modDesc.xml'.
    Load mod: MP_Ramp_Prefab
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod MP_Ramp_Prefab
    Error: Invalid mod name 'NLD_aHelmerBV-2'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: NLD_aHelmerBV (Version: 2.3)
    Load mod: NLD_aHelmerBV_75m3 (Version: 2.2)
    Load mod: NLD_aHelmerBV_HKL (Version: 2.2)
    Load mod: NLD_manTGS_jenzHEM583 (Version:
    Load mod: Radladergewichte (Version:
    Load mod: SBFS17PistenBully100 (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: ScaniaAgroTruckV2 (Version: 2.0)
    Load mod: SigaDuoTB (Version:
    Load mod: SilokingSelflineBig (Version:
    Load mod: Silotrailer (Version:
    Load mod: stuffAndThings (Version: 0.0.2)
    Load mod: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small (Version:
    Load mod: Suedhemmern_LS17 (Version: 8.0)
    Load mod: Terra_Felis_2Multifrucht (Version:
    Load mod: timber_runner_autoload_FS17 (Version:
    Load mod: Volvo150HV3 (Version:
    Load mod: Volvo150HV3lk (Version:
    Load mod: Volvo150Skopa (Version:
    Error: invalid brand name 'LantmanenFS'! Only capital letters allowed!
    Load mod: xerion_edition_gold (Version: 1.1)
    Load mod: YY_FS1485Forwarder (Version: 1)
    Load mod: YY_FuelTank (Version:
    Load mod: YY_HarvesterBirchTrees (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: YY_LogTrailer (Version: 1.5)
    Load mod: YY_PineTree_BasicSet (Version: 1.3)
    Load mod: YY_PineTree_MarkedSet (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: YY_UniversalLGS (Version: 1)
    Load mod: ZZZ_courseplay (Version: 5.01.00116)
    Load mod: ZZZ_fastForward (Version: 2.1)
    Load mod: ZZZ_GPS (Version: 5.01)
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_AlpegoDX600/'.
    Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_workingToolbox/icon_toolbox.png raw format.
    Register configuration 'wrappingColor'
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.subsoiler
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineCultivator
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.turnOnCultivator
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.windrower_workMode
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.extendedBaleWrapper
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.balerWrapper
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineKuhnTF1500
    upk debug mode set to 1
    Register vehicle type: BaleMaster_Auto_Load.transportTrailerUAL
    Register vehicle type: BergmannHTW65.trailer
    Register vehicle type: BGABully600.BGABully600
    Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexionjj.lexion
    Register vehicle type: Claas_Lexionjj.vario
    Register vehicle type: FBM17_NewHolland_FR.NHFR
    Register vehicle type: FS17__Claas_Xerion.Claas_Xerion
    Register vehicle type: FS17__Claas_Xerion.Claas_Xerion_frontWeight
    Register vehicle type: FS17_AdapterFL.fladapter
    AutoSteeringEngine initialized
    Register vehicle type: FS17_AlpegoDX600.AlpegoDX600
    \__ AnimatedObjectDoorFix V by Blacksheep(RC-Devil) from 16 May 2017 is loading! Web:
    Register vehicle type: FS17_BigM.GTXM_BigM
    Register vehicle type: FS17_BigM.GTXM_Attach
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Biobeltz_RG200.LogGrapple
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Biobeltz_TR750.ForestryCrane
    Register vehicle type: FS17_buffalo_logTransporter.BuffLogTrans
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CAT_D6N_LGP.D6N
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900.claas
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_780_Limited_Edition.combine_animated_crawler2
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ClaasAxion800HGF.Axion
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ClaasCougar1400.Class1400
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ClaasXerion5000V5FinaleEdition.Claas_Xerion
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ClaasXerionModell2009Finale.Claas_Xerion
    Register vehicle type: FS17_cMAN_TGS_FASW_68_V4.manTGS68FASW
    Register vehicle type: FS17_cMAN_TGS_HKL_68_V5.manTGS68HKL
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Coolamon_Chaser_Bins_45T_60T.coolamon
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.adattatoreCSZ
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaRotoballe
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPunteReclinabili
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaExtraElevazione
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaMordente
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaFasciati
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPallet
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletExtra
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletTrattenitore
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchi
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchiExtra
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaLetame
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPolivalente
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaGriglia
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaBietole
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL3000
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL4000
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaScaricoCentrale
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaTrattenitore
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaDesilatrice
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.lamaDozer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.gancioSollevamento
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bilancinoSollevamento
    Error: C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_CutterAdapter/RegisterskidSteerJointType.lua:16: attempt to call field 'registerJointType' (a nil value)
    Script loaded: FollowMe.lua (v1.2.1.40)
    Script loaded: BalerAutoUnload.lua (v1.1.0.24)
    Register vehicle type: FS17_DOLL_Panther_JD_Green.Doll_Tieflader
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fendt700er_Pack.fendt700Vario
    Register vehicle type: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL.transportTrailerUAL
    GroundModification loaded.
    Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack.augerWagon_foldable
    Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack.tractor_crabSteering
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteMilkBarrel.kotteMilkBarrel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteMilkBarrel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteMilkBarrelOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_mst
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_mstOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniFuel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_hookLift
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_hookLiftOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_man
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_manOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalTank
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Kroeger_TDK302OL.TKD302
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Kroeger_TDK302OL.TKD302OL
    Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneBigXCargo.BigX
    Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneKWT11x22.KroneKWT11x22
    Register configuration 'refillNetRoles'
    Register configuration 'refillFoilRoles'
    Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.KroneUltimaCF155XC
    Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.netRolePallet
    Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.PalletFoilCartons
    Register vehicle type: FS17_KRPAN_Winch_OpenBeta.Modelleicher_WINCH
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Laumetris_PTL_20R.Laumetris
    \__ Register fillType: 'Nitram 34.5N' (nitram) [key 52]
    \____ Add fillType: 'Nitram 34.5N' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'Nitram 34.5N'
    \__ Register fillType: 'Falscher Mix' (fertilizerTrash) [key 53]
    \____ Add fillType: 'Falscher Mix' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_LIQUID' [key 2]
    Register vehicle type: FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack.fertilizerMixer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack.fertilizerMixerOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack.fertilizerTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack.fertilizerTrailerOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_lizardFloodLightTrailer.lizardFloodLightTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Mercedes_Actros_SLT_JD_Green.actros
    Register vehicle type: FS17_PeeconBiga.mixerWagon
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Podborshik.pnd
    Register vehicle type: FS17_poettingerUniversalAutoLoader.universalLoader
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ponsse_crane.heckkran_ponsse
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ReckJumbo2.ReckJumbo2
    Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.implement_cylindered
    Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.implement_configuratableMass
    Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.leveler_configuratableMass
    Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.silageDistributor
    AdditionalTrigger v1.0.0.3: Script loaded for Fabrikscript
    Register vehicle type: FS17_SafetyWeight.bumbGewicht
    Script loaded: sawdust.lua (v1.1.1)
    Register vehicle type: FS17_seed_express_1260jhg.SeedExpress1260
    Register vehicle type: FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr.truck1
    Register vehicle type: FS17_TowBar.puller
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Valtra_T_Series.valtraT
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Valtra_T_Series.valtraT1
    Register vehicle type: FS17_ValtraS_Series.ValtraSSeries
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Vanhool_Tanker.kotteUniFuel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Volvo_EC300E.VolvoEC300
    Register vehicle type: FS17_woodCrusher.Tipper
    Register vehicle type: FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation.zunhammerOverloadStation
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_Challenger_Rogator_645D.Challenger
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_maschioGaspardoPack.PA1
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_maschioGaspardoPack.magica
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_maschioGaspardoPack.serio
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_Sicma_Multigrind200_v1.Multigrind200
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_strautmannAperion.Aperion
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_TajfunEGV80AHK_50k.TajfunWinch
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_terralandtn_profi.terraland_ferti
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_visiniTetra.visinitetra
    Register vehicle type: FS17JohnDeere6M.JohnDeere6M
    Register vehicle type: FS17MAN10X10SLTGLPT.MANSLT
    Register vehicle type: FS_17ClaasJaguar900SeriesV2Beast.Jaguar900Marthu
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fK270LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fPB10LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fFTD150LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fK180LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fD2LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fSA560LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fSW42LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.satFSMLS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.fSW52LS17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_FortunaPack_LS17.logMasterFSM17
    Register vehicle type: FSM_TheBeast_LS17.theBeastLS17FSM
    AdditionalTrigger v1.0.0.0: Script loaded for Fabrikscript
    Register vehicle type: GoldhoferBuyableColorH.RungeDrehkipp
    Register vehicle type: GrimmeMultiPack.attachableCombine
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelZunhammerTV
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelZunhammerTV_Ohne_Fillerarm
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE_Zubringer
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.vogelsangswingup30
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelCultivator2
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.manureBarrelsprayer
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.augerWagon1
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.augerWagon2
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.FrontDock
    Register vehicle type: Guellepack.hookLiftContainerManureBarrel2
    AdditionalTrigger v1.0.0.3: Script loaded for Fabrikscript
    Warning: Missing lifetime value in store data C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/HoT_Seedfertilizer_placeable/liquidFertilizer.xml! Using default value 150 instead
    Register vehicle type: JD7030SeriesV22FS17.JohnDeere7930v22
    Register vehicle type: johny_imt_5131.IMT_5131
    Register vehicle type: Krone.trailer
    Register vehicle type: KRTINA_9000.cultivator
    Warning: 'KRTINA' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead! (C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/KRTINA_9000/discostass_6.xml)
    Register vehicle type: KST_PittsLT40.pitts
    Register vehicle type: LS17_cornmill.maismill
    Loading more engine braking effect by twizzle & s4t4n
    Register vehicle type: ls17_jd548.JD548H
    MapAutosave V2 by derSchreiner
    aHelmerBV by NLD Farmers -
    Register vehicle type: NLD_aHelmerBV.MAN
    Register vehicle type: NLD_aHelmerBV.ahelmertrailer
    aHelmerBV_75m3 by NLD Farmers -
    Register vehicle type: NLD_aHelmerBV_75m3.MAN
    aHelmerHKL by NLD Farmers -
    Register vehicle type: NLD_aHelmerBV_HKL.MAN
    Register vehicle type: NLD_manTGS_jenzHEM583.ManJenz
    Register vehicle type: SBFS17PistenBully100.PistenBully100
    Register vehicle type: Silotrailer.trailer
    Register vehicle type: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.augerWagon_foldable
    Register vehicle type: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.tractor_crabSteering
    Register vehicle type: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.TerraDosT440S
    AdditionalMapTypes v1.0.0.5: \__ AdditionalMapTypes V1.0.0.5 by Blacksheep - RC-Devil from 10 Dezember 2016 is loading
    AdditionalMapTypes v1.0.0.5: \__ AdditionalMapTypes V1.0.0.5 by Blacksheep - RC-Devil from 10 Dezember 2016 was loaded successful
    Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on
    ++ loading Digital Storage Amount Mover V - 08.11.2016 (by Blacky_BPG)
    Register vehicle type: timber_runner_autoload_FS17.AutoLoadWoodTrailer
    Register vehicle type: Volvo150HV3.wheelLoader2
    Register vehicle type: Volvo150HV3lk.wheelLoader2
    Register vehicle type: xerion_edition_gold.claas1
    Register vehicle type: xerion_edition_gold.Barrel
    Register vehicle type: YY_FS1485Forwarder.NEWForwarder
    Register vehicle type: YY_FuelTank.fuelTankVT
    Register vehicle type: YY_LogTrailer.AutoLoadWoodTrailer
    ### Courseplay: initialized 39/39 files (v5.01.00116)
    ******************************************* WARNING *******************************************
    * You are using a development version of Courseplay, which may and will contain errors, bugs, *
    * mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are your computer will explode when using it. Twice. *
    * If you have no idea what "beta", "alpha", or "developer" means and entails, remove this *
    * version of Courseplay immediately. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for *
    * crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed. *
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledSprayer"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor"
    adding Courseplay to "YY_FS1485Forwarder.NEWForwarder"
    adding Courseplay to "car_dynamicMountAttacher"
    adding Courseplay to "xerion_edition_gold.claas1"
    adding Courseplay to "Volvo150HV3lk.wheelLoader2"
    adding Courseplay to "Volvo150HV3.wheelLoader2"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900.claas"
    adding Courseplay to "Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.tractor_crabSteering"
    adding Courseplay to "loaderVehicle"
    adding Courseplay to "SBFS17PistenBully100.PistenBully100"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_ClaasCougar1400.Class1400"
    adding Courseplay to "NLD_aHelmerBV_HKL.MAN"
    adding Courseplay to "NLD_aHelmerBV_75m3.MAN"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_CAT_D6N_LGP.D6N"
    adding Courseplay to "wheelLoader"
    adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerDrivable"
    adding Courseplay to "ls17_jd548.JD548H"
    adding Courseplay to "skidSteer"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Claas_Lexion_780_Limited_Edition.combine_animated_crawler2"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fendt700er_Pack.fendt700Vario"
    adding Courseplay to "BGABully600.BGABully600"
    adding Courseplay to "JD7030SeriesV22FS17.JohnDeere7930v22"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_crawler"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_ClaasXerion5000V5FinaleEdition.Claas_Xerion"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_BigM.GTXM_BigM"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_ClaasXerionModell2009Finale.Claas_Xerion"
    adding Courseplay to "woodCrusherTrailerDrivable"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_crawler"
    adding Courseplay to "johny_imt_5131.IMT_5131"
    adding Courseplay to "ridingMower"
    adding Courseplay to "FS_17ClaasJaguar900SeriesV2Beast.Jaguar900Marthu"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17MAN10X10SLTGLPT.MANSLT"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Valtra_T_Series.valtraT1"
    adding Courseplay to "NLD_aHelmerBV.MAN"
    adding Courseplay to "FBM17_NewHolland_FR.NHFR"
    adding Courseplay to "loadingTrailerDrivable"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17__Claas_Xerion.Claas_Xerion"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_ClaasAxion800HGF.Axion"
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledPotatoHarvester"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_man"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17Contest_Challenger_Rogator_645D.Challenger"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_manOverload"
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMower"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Volvo_EC300E.VolvoEC300"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_animated"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_ValtraS_Series.ValtraSSeries"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_KroneBigXCargo.BigX"
    adding Courseplay to "Claas_Lexionjj.lexion"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_cMAN_TGS_FASW_68_V4.manTGS68FASW"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Mercedes_Actros_SLT_JD_Green.actros"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17JohnDeere6M.JohnDeere6M"
    adding Courseplay to "woodHarvester"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Valtra_T_Series.valtraT"
    adding Courseplay to "Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.TerraDosT440S"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_holmerPack.tractor_crabSteering"
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMixerWagon"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_articulatedAxis"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_cylindered"
    adding Courseplay to "forwarder"
    adding Courseplay to "telehandler"
    adding Courseplay to "telehandler_articulatedAxis"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_articulatedAxis"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_foldable"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_buffalo_logTransporter.BuffLogTrans"
    adding Courseplay to "combine"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_cMAN_TGS_HKL_68_V5.manTGS68HKL"
    adding Courseplay to "car"
    adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerHireable"
    adding Courseplay to "NLD_manTGS_jenzHEM583.ManJenz"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_TatraPhoenix8x8_ITr.truck1"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_reverseDriving"
    ### Courseplay: installed into 72 vehicles
    dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.09) ms
    dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.09) ms
    dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.07) ms
    data/sky/skyUS_day_night.i3d (14.78) ms
    data/sky/rain.i3d (2.20) ms
    data/sky/hail.i3d (1.45) ms
    data/sky/dust.i3d (1.07) ms
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/maps/map01.i3d (5714.53) ms
    Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with invalid saveId
    Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with invalid saveId
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(95580) load Saegewerk
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(96762) load compostMaster2k17
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(96953) load SeedsMixer
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(97073) load Raffinerie
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(97269) load Brauerei
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(97464) load Baeckerei
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(97743) load Brennerei
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(97982) load SandProduktion
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(98096) load MilkMaxV2
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(98227) load FertilizerMixer
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(98422) load KraftfutterMischer
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(98576) load SchweinefutterMischer
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(98759) load ZuckerProduktion
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(98919) load KirschFarm
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(99077) load PflaumenFarm
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(99235) load Windmuehle
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(99349) load Konditorrei
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(99670) load SilageSilo
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(99784) load Fluessigduenger
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(100005) load Molkerei
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(100284) load Feinkost01
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(100563) load Oelmuehle
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(100758) load Feinkost02
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Suedhemmern_LS17/
    FabrikScript v2.1.8: FabrikScript.onCreate(100995) load Reibekuchenfabrik
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | register specialization
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | specialization added to 11 vehicle types
    --- loading AI Vehicle Extension v1.0 by mogli ---
    Teaching animals table manners...
    ...sheep - manners taught
    ...pig - manners taught
    ...cow - manners taught
    Animals now eat with their mouths shut!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    FillType Mass Adjustment FS17 by modelleicher loaded. Visit for more Mods and Support
    Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleDryGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype sheep changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype milk changed to 1.03 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype roundBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: rye cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype rye changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype fuel changed to 0.84 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype forage_mixing changed to 0.31 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype wheat changed to 0.79 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype seeds changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass_windrow changed to 0.07 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype straw changed to 0.04 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: booze cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype booze changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: beer cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype beer changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype rape changed to 0.72 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype cow changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: carrot cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype carrot changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype grass changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: coleslaw cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype coleslaw changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: reibekuchen cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype reibekuchen changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: fertilizerTrash cur. Val: 0.19999999494758
    Fillable mass of Filltype fertilizerTrash changed to 0.39999998989515 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype grass_windrow changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype digestate changed to 0.5 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: sand cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype sand changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype pig changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: oat cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype oat changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: rye_windrow cur. Val: 0.30000001424924
    Fillable mass of Filltype rye_windrow changed to 0.60000002849847 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype oilseedRadish changed to 0.75 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodEarth changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype poplar changed to 0.45 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype woodChips changed to 0.36 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype forage changed to 0.32 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype sunflower changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: sugar cur. Val: 0.39999998989515
    Fillable mass of Filltype sugar changed to 0.7999999797903 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: redCabbage cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype redCabbage changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: cake cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype cake changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: yogurt cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype yogurt changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: oat_windrow cur. Val: 0.30000001424924
    Fillable mass of Filltype oat_windrow changed to 0.60000002849847 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype soybean changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype barley changed to 0.63 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodProtein changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: plum cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype plum changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype silage changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: spelt_windrow cur. Val: 0.30000001424924
    Fillable mass of Filltype spelt_windrow changed to 0.60000002849847 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype wool changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: cookingOil cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype cookingOil changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype chaff changed to 0.46 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: saladMix cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype saladMix changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: cabbage cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype cabbage changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: hops cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype hops changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: cherry cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype cherry changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: compost cur. Val: 0.39999998989515
    Fillable mass of Filltype compost changed to 0.7999999797903 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype fertilizer changed to 1.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: bread cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype bread changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: hmilk cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype hmilk changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: flour cur. Val: 0.39999998989515
    Fillable mass of Filltype flour changed to 0.7999999797903 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: lettuce cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype lettuce changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: spelt cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype spelt changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype chicken changed to 0.003 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass changed to 0.07 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: powerFood cur. Val: 0
    Fillable mass of Filltype powerFood changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype treeSaplings changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype water changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype manure changed to 0.79 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype sugarBeet changed to 0.74 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype potato changed to 0.73 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype squareBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype maize changed to 0.8 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodGrain changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype liquidFertilizer changed to 0.9 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodBase changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype egg changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: nitram cur. Val: 0.19999999494758
    Fillable mass of Filltype nitram changed to 0.39999998989515 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype liquidManure changed to 0.98 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: tarp cur. Val: 0
    Fillable mass of Filltype tarp changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    ################ NOT IN LIST YET: onion cur. Val: 0.50000002374873
    Fillable mass of Filltype onion changed to 1.0000000474975 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
    Fillable mass of Filltype pigFood changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
    FillTypeMassAdjustment all fillType mass values have been updated. Note: This Log entry should only exist once, if you have several of these please check to make sure you don't have several FillTypeMassAdjustment Versions in your Modfolder.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (11.63) ms
    MaterialHolder for Kotte Universal loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    addSpecialization ( LightAddon ) - INFO: Failed inserting on FS17Contest_maschioGaspardoPack.serio as its missing specialization lights
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_liquidFertilizerProductionPack/materialHolder/materialHolder.i3d (18.99) ms
    MaterialHolder for Fertilizer Production Pack loaded successfull!
    *** ProSeed v1.0.1.0 specialization loading ***
    --- loading repairVehicles mod V1.50 (by Rival)---
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (11.81) ms
    MaterialHolder for Zunhammer OverloadStation loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    realismUpdate_plough inserted to table: 0x020103be5b88
    realismUpdate_plough inserted to table: 0x0201792b31e8
    realismUpdate_plough inserted to table: 0x0201796a6410
    ## Courseplay: setting up signs
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/normal.i3d (0.32) ms
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/cross.i3d (0.44) ms
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/unload.i3d (0.40) ms
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/wait.i3d (0.61) ms
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/start.i3d (0.56) ms
    C:/Users/sascha/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/stop.i3d (0.56) ms
    ## Courseplay: setting up fields (basic)
    ## Courseplay: loading default settings
    ## Courseplay: setting up hud
    ## Courseplay: setting up debug channels
    ## Courseplay: setting up globalInfoText
    ## Courseplay: loading courses and folders from "courseManager.xml"
    ## Courseplay: register later loaded mods
    --- fast Forward Mod V2.1 loaded --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading GPS mod V5.01 --- (by upsidedown)

    1 Antworten

  17. basstier2007 03. 07 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    Ich werd gleich mal meine Log Posten hier drunter

    1 Antworten

  18. basstier2007 03. 07 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Problem.
    und zwar stürzt bei mir das Game ab wenn ich diese karte zocken will. Sie läuft nur wenn ich alle Mods draußen hab.
    ich hab kein Word, kann deshalb nicht schauen mit was es sich beißt.
    kann mir jemand helfen?
    suche sonst die Nadel im Heuhaufen!

    2 Antworten

  19. basstier2007 29. 06 2017

    Mod: Tanneberg
    Danke es läuft jetzt :)

  20. basstier2007 28. 06 2017

    Mod: Tanneberg
    hm ich bekomme das Tor nicht auf, zeigt es mir nichmal an das ich es aufmachen kann... Das ist doch das Tor wo auch der trigger davor ist wo man Tiere kaufen kann oder?

    1 Antworten

  21. basstier2007 28. 06 2017

    Mod: Tanneberg
    Hallo, ich habe mir paar Kühe gekauft, jetzt wollte ich Ihnen Wasser bringen.
    Wo finde ich das?
    Und wie bekomme ich das Tor zum wassertrog auf? Da geht bei mir irgendwie nichts.. Die restlichen Tore funktionieren

    2 Antworten

  22. basstier2007 26. 06 2017

    Mod: Tanneberg
    5 Sterne und Empfehlung vergessen ^^

  23. basstier2007 26. 06 2017

    Mod: Tanneberg
    Danke für diese tolle map.
    Ich hab nichts zu meckern aber einen Wunsch.
    Bau bitte noch ordentlich Schlamm ein

    1 Antworten

  24. basstier2007 24. 06 2017

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    Hallo super Optimierung der Karte. Kannst du evtl noch ne schneemaske einfügen für den season mod?

  25. basstier2007 19. 06 2017

    Mod: Fendt Katana 65/85
    Deine Mods sind einfach der Hammer! vorallem deine claas :)
    5 Sterne Empfehlung

  26. basstier2007 11. 06 2017

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    Was meinst du damit? Das entpacken?

  27. basstier2007 11. 06 2017

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    hey wo ist die Raffinerie? hab noch keine gefunden :/

  28. basstier2007 09. 06 2017

    Mod: Südtiroler Bergwelten
    Die map startet bei allen nicht, da irgendwas nicht stimmt ^^

  29. basstier2007 08. 06 2017

    Mod: Güllepack FS17
    hey Monteur, absolut geiles pack, vielen Dank für deine Arbeit!
    Zwei Sachen sind mir bisher aber aufgefallen.
    - die Swing up lassen sich bei mir nicht ankoppeln ans Venus Fass, liegt an dem mod "manuelles ankoppeln" vill kann man da was machen, da ich schon gern damit spielen würde.
    - bei dem 3 achser Zubringer dreht sich das mittlere Rad nicht mit wenn er leer ist. Im vollen Zustand läuft alles normal.
    mehr ist mir bisher noch nicht aufgefallen, habe aber auch viel noch nicht probiert

  30. basstier2007 20. 05 2017

    Mod: Südtiroler Bergwelten
    Da man vom original Mapper nix mehr hört, vill kann sie ja ein anderer modder ready machen das sie läuft.
    Wäre schade um die map!

  31. basstier2007 20. 05 2017

    Mod: Südtiroler Bergwelten
    hat sich erledigt, habe es in den Kommentaren unten gelesen...

  32. basstier2007 20. 05 2017

    Mod: Südtiroler Bergwelten
    hab genau das gleiche Problem

  33. basstier2007 20. 05 2017

    Mod: Südtiroler Bergwelten
    Muss man die zip vorher entpacken?

  34. basstier2007 20. 05 2017

    Mod: Südtiroler Bergwelten
    spiel stürzt leider ab sobald ich es speichern will. hab auch schon alle mods raus gemacht, war genau das gleiche...
    habe auch schon die Datei oben in die zip geschoben, spiel stürtzt immer noch ab -.-

    weiß jemand weiter?

    ist eine sehr schöne map 5 Sterne + empfehlung

    2 Antworten

  35. basstier2007 16. 05 2017

    Mod: Irgendwo in Thüringen "Economy"
    als zweite map hab ich noch das Thüringer Oberland drin. Die zocke ich aktuell noch. Sonst sind keine maps drin.

  36. basstier2007 15. 05 2017

    Mod: Irgendwo in Thüringen "Economy"
    okay Mist, dachte vill liegt es darin :D
    hab sie auf ner anderen Seite gefunden, aber die MB Zahl war gleich.
    Die map gibt's auch mit "Snow plane" auf der anderen Seite.
    hab sie auf geladen.
    werd mal mein mod Ordner aufräumen, beißt sich mit Sicherheit mit einem anderen mod.
    4 Jahreszeiten mod verträgt sich mit der Karte oder?

    1 Antworten

  37. basstier2007 15. 05 2017

    Mod: Irgendwo in Thüringen "Economy"
    Ich mein ich hab noch das v 2.1.6 drauf Aufen Rechner

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