Member since 8 / 2023
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Mod: RealLifeNumbers
As a heads up, they also made so cows will eat more after birth and produce less milk when reproduction is at 80% and 90%. This results in less milk on average because of the two months with less production.
Since your mod already considers the average values of the whole year I chose to disable these new features (not hard to disable them), otherwise it would be more complicated to make the mods compatible right?
Mod: RealLifeNumbers
What file do you use for my_animalTypes.xml then? Because RLN always returns an error when loading animals since the newer versions of Ehanced Animal System include male animals, goats and ducks. Basically their own animals.xml.
I think it needs a new file to put in modSettings but I don't know how to configure it.
Only way I got it to work was by using older versions or preventing Enhanced Animal System from overwriting the animals.xml file of the map.
Mod: RealLifeNumbers
Hellom I created a temporary account because it is impossible to reset password on this site apparently.
Is it possible to change the prices of fillTypes added by DLC like the productions from the Platinum Expansion or the upcoming carrots, parsnips, and red beet from the Premium Expansion?
Have you seen the mod Enhanced Animal System? It adds male and female animals for any map. I think it uses its own animals.xml instead of the one the map normally uses. Can RLN work with it?