Userprofil von Astropolis
Member since 4 / 2016
Member since 4 / 2016
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About Astropolis
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Challenger MT800E Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Challenger MT800E Series
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Challenger MT800E Series
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Challenger MT800E Series
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Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
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Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
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Fendt 9490 X Series
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Fendt 9490 X Series
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Fendt 9490 X Series
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Fendt 9490 X Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Fendt 9490 X Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Fendt 9490 X Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Fendt 9490 X Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Fendt 9490 X Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre -
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre -
Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Dieser Nutzer hat noch keine Projekte vorgestellt.
Mod: JCB Fastrac 8330
5th time you take my stuff without permission now?
Again you show the world that you have no skills or any moral standard.
Today you stole the soundwork from my Case Puma from Modhub.
These are sounds which i recorded in the field and spent days to perfect. A process you don't know anything about because you're simply to lazy to make quality stuff.
I hope you get wiser when you enter adulthood.. if not you're in for a world of hurt.
Mod: Massey Ferguson 8700S
You did.
This ***** steals everything he can because he has no skills or original thoughts in his head. Also stole my soundfiles from my Deutz-Fahr 9 from Modhub.
Already reported the mod, but Modhoster admins either isn't active anymore or maybe they just don't care anymore.
Mod: Deutz Fahr 9 Series Especial Black Edition
This mod is made by me and is stolen by ManuDFm17.
Original mod:
Mod: Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
It means the cab is moving, just not very much on roads etc.
The effect is more visible when working on fields.
Mod: Fendt 9490 X Series
Write in English please :-)
Mod: Fendt 9490 X Series
Hi Micha84,
I will fix this in the next version. Thank you.
Mod: Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
Hi David,
This error should be fixed by now. Thanks for posting.
Mod: Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
Veenhuis W400 with dynamichoses script.
Mod: Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
Mod: Massey Ferguson 7700 Series
Then use the original giants.
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
Hi bamsenus
My log is clean with no errors, so i don't know what is causing this error for you. Try and test with only the cargo trailers in your mod folder to see if its a mod conflict of some sort.
Hope you will figure it out.
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
Hi Cabinet
The trailers are heavy and in some conditions they will require alot of power, especially when 50-100% full. This means the trailers will be hard to pull on maps with very steep fields.
You can change the power of the harvester in its xml file. Open the xml and search for "torqueScale=" and increase the value to counter this issue.
Enjoy! :-)
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
Hi Pasche
Its probaly a mod conflict. Try and remove all the mods from the folder and only install the Silage Cargos to see if the problem is fixed. I never had this issue during many hours of testing, and i have 12GB in my mod folder so i don't know what you should do. I hope you will figure it out!
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
I have personal permission from Bullgore himself.
Please read the description before posting stuff like this, thanks.
Mod: Case Patriot 4440
Amazing work Joe. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
Here you go:
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
Too bad Sabaton63! The mod is tested on the newest patch and i don't have these problems. Hopefully you will get it working some day.
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
I see! Thank you! :-)
Mod: Silagetransportanhänger
Sorry my german is not very good. Do you have any problems with downloading the mod?
This has already been uploaded on ModHoster:
Mod: Massey Ferguson 8737
Unrealistic vehicle size, its too big.
Otherwise its a good mod.
Mod: Case Optum 300 CVX
I never said it was theirs, i said it looks like it. If these guys were stealing others work my rating would have been 1/5
And yes, there is flickering.
Mod: Case Optum 300 CVX
Hi Beavis
The flickering happens to the "stripe" along the side of the tractor, with the 300 CVX text at the end.
I recorded a video for you ->
(Sorry for the horrible quality, i took it with my phone)
The flickering is a common problem in FS 15 which occurs especially when driving in the outer areas of the map. Giants standard maps doesn't seem to provoke this issue too much, but many custom maps are really bad with flickering. Try MIG Map for instance and drive to the outer fields of the map, you will see alot of flickering on many vehicles.
The video is taken on standard Bjornholm map however. I tried driving the same course with the "old" optum Version 1.5.4 and there was no flickering at all.
This is "nitpicking" i know, but i think you guys should know about this. Thank you for your hard work nonetheless
Mod: Case Optum 300 CVX
Looks like the one from Marlin 3D & SiiD - only smaller in size and with better details. Overall its a great mod and the only bad thing to say is the flickering logo on the side of the tractor.
Mod: Case Optum 300 CVX
that is not of marli & sid and secondly flicker nothing
Mod: Case Optum 300 CVX
are you sure you are looking at the right tractor?
During testing no decal flickering was noticed...
What decal is supposed to be flickering?
--On behalf of Timber131
Mod: Deutz Fahr Agrostar 6.81
I was hoping you would fix the flickering decal "AgroStar 6.81" on the side of the tractor.. looks really bad!
Otherwise the tractor is really nice. But i don't like what you did in version 1.2 with the roof.
Mod: Deutz Fahr 7250TTV Krieger
Much better performance now. Thank you! 5/5
Mod: John Deere 8530
Anybody knows how to get these tractors work with BetterIndoorCamera mod?
Mod: MB3D JD6810 animiert
Great work. Every mod should have suspension like this. 5/5
Mod: CLAAS Arion 650
I just tried version 2.7 and i must say that i like version 2.5 more. The textures in 2.7 are better, but the color difference between the rear fenders and the front hood is too noticeable for me.
Great machine though.
Mod: Stappenbach
Amazing map! But its a shame that you can't merge the fields together.. too many small fields for my liking.
Mod: Deutz fahr 6190 ttv
Anyone else having trouble with hired worker on this tractor? It stops working randomly. Otherwise a good mod.
Mod: Fendt Katana 85
Great work Steph33! Ive been waiting for a proper Katana! :-)
Mod: KRONE BigX 580
Everything works as it should.