Userprofil von alchemist
Member since 8 / 2011

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Rank: #6537
Vorname: Lolle Alter & Geschlecht: m Wohnort: Leeuwarden Hobbys: webdesign, ls2011 Homepage

About alchemist

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  1. alchemist 28. Januar

    Mod: FS25_Hagenstedt
    To bad...the map will not load, what am I doing wrong??

  2. alchemist 06. 10 2022

    Mod: Göweil LT-Master
    To bad, the mod isn't working at all..:-( nice trye tough..

  3. alchemist 06. 10 2022

    Mod: Göweil LT-Master
    Great job I whas looking for it all the time, question: can/will you convert it to FS22 to? Now I have to install the FS19 again ;-) bud once again, you did a great job thumbs up.

  4. alchemist 19. 04 2022

    Mod: Courseplay
    To bad bud after the game-update to 1.14 the game wil not start when CP is installed....


  5. alchemist 14. 03 2022

    Mod: Greenlands
    Wonderfull map, great work, thank you


  6. alchemist 07. 01 2022

    Mod: Courseplay
    is there someone/anybody who know's where I can find a tutorial for this version of CP. I'm uto the old version bud I don't understand the new CP. Help will very appreciated,


  7. alchemist 01. 01 2022

    Mod: Courseplay
    Is there a proper tutorial for the new courseplay? Any help would very appreciated


  8. alchemist 17. 12 2021

    Mod: Medicine Creek Farms Karte
    The map does not show up in the menu??


  9. alchemist 05. 12 2021

    Mod: Hogsback Südafrika
    map does not sow up in the FS22 menu??

  10. alchemist 16. 08 2021

    Mod: MountainHill2021 // 4-fach
    I have with my other maps no problems, works just fine and this map have I tryed with only CP and still it refuses to load so I gues I have to deal with it and stay with the "old" CP. Thanks for your reply anyway.

  11. alchemist 15. 08 2021

    Mod: MountainHill2021 // 4-fach
    To bad bud the game will not load when I use CP v6.4.0.6. Only when I use an older version of CP it will, not with the newesst??

    1 Antworten

  12. alchemist 10. 08 2021

    Mod: MountainHill2021 // 4-fach
    The game won't load if I try it with the latest version of CP. I use now one of the older versions and that works bud it is not what I like..
    Thanks for your quick respons tough.

  13. alchemist 10. 08 2021

    Mod: MountainHill2021 // 4-fach
    Nice map bud wy is the Course Play not working??

    1 Antworten

  14. alchemist 06. 06 2021

    Mod: Mercedes Sprinter Mod
    Beautifull car, bud where do I find the IC Control??

  15. alchemist 15. 10 2020

    Mod: Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC
    Hello MC, I love playen your beautifull map, it's my alltime favorit. Bud I have A question regarding the milk-sale at the milkfactory. Where do I sell the milk?? Even so with the charcoal...I can't find a unload I hope you will help me out?? And plse go on with this amazing map, it's great!


    1 Antworten

  16. alchemist 01. 08 2020

    Mod: GEA Mixfeeder Animal Feeding Systems
    A realy great mod, thanks for your work. Works great in the map.


  17. alchemist 06. 06 2020

    Mod: Courseplay6 v6.02.00026
    Same here...loader can't find the harvester..I'm using an old version from CP. To bad, I love this mod.


  18. alchemist 02. 06 2020

    Mod: CoursePlay
    Hello Com, the new CP can not find the harvesters. Are there more people with the same trouble??

    Help appreciated,

  19. alchemist 12. 05 2020

    Mod: GlobalCompany - CCM Mill
    Very nice mod bud the mod refuses to load in the game. I've treyed everything bud it won't work. Any sugestion would be nice..


    1 Antworten

  20. alchemist 23. 03 2020

    Mod: Courseplay
    Hallo all, does anyone know how to use the overloader with CP, because stay's grey.


  21. alchemist 25. 02 2020

    Mod: Scania 111 von Souza SG (1.36.x)
    Great work bud it needs still some fine tuning like the mirrors and in terior it bed standing have way the cabin, bud I sure going to use it, like this old scania.

  22. alchemist 15. 01 2020

    Mod: Project 3XX Schwerlast LKW und Anhänger Addon Mod
    It seems to be a nice mod bud where do I find that video and where in the game do I find the car??

  23. alchemist 23. 12 2019

    Mod: Elho Duett 7300
    Many thanks for the updates and a merry christmas.

  24. alchemist 15. 09 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    Hello PsieCore, thanx for the quick update, yhe game run's great now.


  25. alchemist 14. 09 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    Yes I have the newest version bud still the crash remains. Like I said before, the seasond mod is, in my case, the culprit because wihtout the mod the game runs smootly and is very nice to play now with multy fruit.

    1 Antworten

  26. alchemist 14. 09 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    As far as I see it is the Seasonsmod the culprit in this version (V5) and I see no green or whatever color Knob only an blue one.


    1 Antworten

  27. alchemist 14. 09 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    To bad PsieCore it is a nice map bud it's crashing al the time, even with the necessary mods installed :-(


    1 Antworten

  28. alchemist 29. 03 2019

    Mod: Deutz Fahr 5130 TTV
    Thx for the quick response and keep going with your mods.

  29. alchemist 29. 03 2019

    Mod: Deutz Fahr 5130 TTV
    Thnx for this nice mod bud the tires are a purple??

  30. alchemist 23. 02 2019

    Mod: Rabe Toucan SL 3000 & Unia Polonez 3550D
    Which version is the latest? Because the V2 version is on top and the V3 version in the middle. Little bit confusion

  31. alchemist 29. 01 2019

    Mod: Ls19 Courseplaykurse für Nordfriesische Marsch
    Many thanks for sharing the Courseplay mod with the comm. Runs's like a train, top.

  32. alchemist 23. 01 2019

    Mod: Amerikanischer Hühnerstall
    Good job, nice chickencoop

  33. alchemist 18. 10 2018

    Mod: HKL and containers
    Great work xyzspain, beautifull details. Bud how does this work? I can find the right keys for the container lift etc.

  34. alchemist 15. 10 2017

    Mod: Pine Cove Production RUS
    Once again, thanks for your help Kristu


  35. alchemist 14. 10 2017

    Mod: Pine Cove Production RUS
    What types of grain can I bring to the mill, because the mill does not take any wheat or barley? I love the map tough, it is great,


    1 Antworten

  36. alchemist 13. 10 2017

    Mod: Pine Cove Production RUS
    Thanks for your quick reply, KRIST 'll fertilize and wait :-)

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