Empfehlung:FMC Kleine Farm-PackDieses Pack enthält einen John Deere Modell eines Traktors und verschiedene kleine Geräte ideal für kleine Betriebe. Alle Geräte in der Packung, die eine 3-Punkt Anhängung haben auch eine Alternative zu implementieren, die einen Anhänger Untenanhängesysteme für Traktoren, die nicht über eine 3-Punkt-Kupplung verwendet. Dieses Paket hat keine Geräte für root Ackerbau oder Futtersuche, nur Standard-Getreide. Die folgenden Beschreibungen werden auch in der Filiale in In-Game Referenz aufgeführt. Genießen.John Deere Modell A: Diese Version hat veränderbar Räder Speichen festen und veränderlichen Zeichen aus der US-Version auf Euro-Version. Der Bauer raucht Pfeife und der 3-Punkt-Kupplung wurde entfernt. Nur Anhängevorrichtung Punkte sind Anhänger niedrig und hoch. Spinning Schwungrad und Fan Änderung mit Motordrehzahl für zusätzlichen Realismus. Mottled Glanz Karte emuliert Farbe verblasst.
Model: Kaosknite FMC modIngame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants, CiderVis: Xentro, smokingFarmer: Xentro, wheelParticle: UNK
Kverneland bale fork: This bale fork uses a bale locking script instead of using collisions. There are 2 in the pack, one for frontloader attachment, and one for telehandler attachment.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP Testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants, fergBale Author:Geri-G
Bale trailer: This trailer is a custom made bale trailer with a bale locking script to hold your bales in place during transport.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: fergflatbedattach Author:Geri-G
Bevco Fertilizer Spreader: This implement requires a 3-point hitch and functions as a fertilzer sprayer. Animated spreading wheel and fertilizer plane.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants
Paiute Fertilizer Refill Trailer: This trailer is for refilling your sprayers. It Functions as a mobile fertilizer fill trigger and will deduct money directly from your account in game. It is not refillable.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing:Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants
Paiute Seed Refill Trailer: This trailer is for refilling your seeders. It Functions as a mobile seeder fill trigger and will deduct money directly from your account in game. It is not refillable.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Ford Sickle Bar Mower: This washable mower requires a 3-point hitch and functions a standard mower. Animated moving parts for added realism. Mower can only be activated with the bar in the down position.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, running Author:KaosKnite
John Deere 24T Baler: This implement is an offset washable baler which produces small bales and is for use with small or large tractors. Works best if used in a circular pattern around the field to avoid collisions with bales on previous passes. Foldable script allows for use on small maps by setting it to transport. Custom animated moving parts for added realism.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts:Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner
John Deere 34 Manure Spreader: This is a standard washable manure spreader with animated feed chain, paddles and drive shafts for added realism.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing:Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts:Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner
Kory Gravity Box Trailer: This washable gravity wagon functions as a "side tipper" type trailer for the standard map fruits. It is not designed for chaff or silage. Animated side door and opening mechanism for unloading.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing:Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts:Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, Extra wheels Author:Burner
MK Cultivator: This washable cultivator functions as a standard cultivator and requires a 3-point hitch. The Superflow script causes the cultivator to dig into the ground when cultivating starts for added realism. Works with small or large tractors.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing:Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts:Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, Superflow Author:PeterJ
New Holland Hay Rake: This washable old style hay rake can be used with tractors that don't have a 3 point hitch. It's powered by the wheel rotation through a drive shaft that connects and disconnects when turned on and off. The speed of the rotating parts is determined by the speed in which it is towed. It also is a dual function rake that functions as a tedder and windrower simultaneously and does not need to be changed between functions. Simply pull it through your cut grass one time and the grass will be tedded, windrowed and be ready for baling.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts:Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, circularMovement Author: Decker_MMIV
Nicholson Cultivator: This washable trailed cultivator can be used with tractors that don't have a 3 point hitch. Raise and lower by button push.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, plow Author:Decker_MMIV
John Deere 37 Trailed Sickle Bar Mower: This washable trailed mower can be used with tractors that don't have a 3 point hitch. Moving parts for added realism. Mower can only be operated with the bar in the down position.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, running Author:KaosKnite
Minneapolis Moline P3-6 Seed Drill: This washable trailed seeder can be used with tractors that don't have a 3 point hitch. Seed drills need to be lowered to plant seeds.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts:Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner
Bush Hog Mower: This washable Bush Hog is a rotary mower with low trailer hitch. Can be used with any large or small tractors for destroying unwanted grass.
Model: KaosKnite FMC mod
Ingame Testing: FarmerYip, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A
MP testing: Decker_MMIV, Dr.Uptown, Henly20, KaosKnite, Knut A, Napalm, RSAntilles
Scripts: Giants, Washable Author:Manuel Leithner, bomfTopper Author: PeterJ
01. Mai, 11:43 UhrVersion 1.0
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22 Kommentare
super Mod lob an den Modder vor allem klasse aussehen der Fahrzeuge <
super Mod lob an den Modder vor allem klasse aussehen der Fahrzeuge
bei mir funzt alles bestens. bekommt 98 von 100 punkten.
einen punkt würde ich noch geben wen beim mulchcher eine auf-ab animation dabei wäre und einer wen der schwader noch für stroh wäre. pervekt für das wildbachtal
muss ich des irgendwie speziel entpacken?
Das pack will bei mir irgendwie nicht :/
bitte um hilfe :(
welches bau jahr hat der kleine john deere?
Also Leute. Hier eine Info für die wo der Mod nicht geht wie bei mir und keinen Plan haben warum. Ich hab es übers rausbekommen. Ein rießen Dankeschön an die Tipgeber an dieser Stelle. IHR BRAUCHT DAS UND BEIM FREE-DLC-PACK (KLASSIKER DER LANDWIRTSCHAFT IST ES DAS SELBE).
Also. Ich habe jetzt extra den FS-UK durchgeschaut. Die Seite wo der mod herkommt. Da steht auch das das für LS 2013 ist. Warum geht das dann nicht?
Bei mir erscheint das nicht im Shop! Was kann das denn sein?
der New Holland 250 anhänger ist um zu schwaden
also heuhaufen zu machen
Ein paar Geräte erinnern mich sehr an den "Agrar Simulator Historische Landmaschinene" ... woher das woll kommt ?
Angelcom da gebe ich dir recht von mir auch 5 von 5 Sterne
Danke Super jetzt fehlt eigendlich nur noch solch eine schöne Alte Map dazu. 5 Sterne von mir.
Ich bin grade dabei eine zu machen ;)
Sind noch kleinigkeiten zu machen :D
PS:Super Mod... passt PERFEKT zur Oldtimer Map :)
Ich würde erstmal Wildbachtal empfelen.
Hoffe ich konnte helfen.
Awesome work! Looks and works great!
And now a nice old-time farming map for all this fine stuff ;-)
Its perfect
Thanks for this great mod
Greetings Oldie
One of the greatest mods - ever...
Nice work ;-)
- But the John Deere's horn isn't working...
Hammer geil riesen lob an den modder.
Mach weiter so.
Ein riesen lob an den Modder.
Viel Fantasie und sehr schön umgesetzt.
Die Geräte sehen schön alt aus und die funktion ist auch super.
5 Sterne und eine empfehlung!
Gruß IHC-433S
Well, to the one whoever created this ( u know who u are... ;-)):
Awesome start-set.
Too bad, it won't be here for long... :-(
Like the pipe-smoking farmer pretty much!
der mod muss empfehlung sein sonst kennt den keiner
großes lob an den modder
well except for the one and only, the device can hang the Johndeer
sorry but google translate