Rabaud SuperNet 2200A

V 1.0 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 19

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This is the FS17 SuperNet 2200A Rabaud converted by me for FS19 The sweeper is used to remove wheel tracks, clean the food spilled by your animals, clean the remains of piles, remove crops and fields. Price: 3500 Euros Working width: 3 meters Max working speed: 17km / h Minimum power required: 40ch For operation -> [V] key to decrease To rotate (left or right): Right Click and move the mouse from left to right Left shift with [K] key to go left or [,] key to go right.


Credits: Blacksheep Modding, FS19 Alex35BzH

  • 21. November, 17:45 Uhr
    Version 1.0


21.11 2019
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5.0 / 3 Stimmen


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V 1.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 19
5,2 MB 1993
21. 11 2019 1.993

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