
V 0.94 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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- Upgraded to FS2013. 

What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard, mouse and steering-wheel all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse... So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce "quick-tap keys" for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Make sure you go into 'Options' -> 'Controls' in the game, and assign your own keys to the "QuickCam:Look..." actions. Now in-game, quick-tap the key that you assigned to the 'QuickCam:Look 45° Left' action, and the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for the 'QuickCam:Look 45° Right' action. To look backwards, quick-tap the key that you assigned to the 'QuickCam:Look backward' action, and like so for the 'QuickCam:Look forward' action. You can also toggle between looking forward/backward by assigning a key to the 'QuickCam:Toggle look for/back' action. If the selected camera is capable of zooming, a quick-tap on your 'QuickCam:Zoom out' key, will cause it to zoom out 20 units at a time. And likewise for your 'QuickCam:Zoom in' key. Suggested action/key assignments Note: This is how I have set up my custom controls - make sure you assign your own keys! 

Look down (vehicle)
RIGHT-SHIFT Down-arrow

Look up (vehicle)

Look right (vehicle)
RIGHT-SHIFT Right-arrow

Look left (vehicle)
RIGHT-SHIFT Left-arrow

Camera Zoom in

Camera Zoom out


QuickCam:Look 45° right

QuickCam:Look 45° left

QuickCam:Look forward

QuickCam:Look backward

QuickCam:Toggle look for/back

QuickCam:Zoom in

QuickCam:Zoom out

Technicalities The default quick-tap time is 150 milliseconds or below. If you can not press-and-release a key this quick, the time can be adjusted via the in-game console, using this console command:   modQuickCameraRotateKeyTapMs[<new quick-tap max milliseconds>]Also if the default zoom-in/out of 20 units does not suit you, it can be changed via the in-game console, using this console command:   modQuickCameraZoomDistance [<new quick-zoom distance>]Problems or bugs? If you encounter problems or bugs using the QuickCamera, please use the support-thread at http://fs-uk.com - Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category 'Other - Game Scripts'. Known bugs/problems: 

Because this QuickCamera mod does not override the normal camera movement script, there might be a little movement first, before the camera snaps into position - IF you have assigned the same keys as for the normal look left/right/up/down. 

Sometimes when snapping to look forward/backward, the camera-rotation may rotate several times quickly. There's some math that I haven't quite figured out how to solve. 


Script: Decker

  • 13. November, 18:44 Uhr
    Version 0.94


Hashtag: a6f196be169bc2f2451eb739ac306f31
Version: 0.94
Multiplayerfähig? nein
Autor: Decker
Preis im Shop: LS
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13.11 2012
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4.67 / 6 Stimmen


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V 0.94
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
29,1 KB 2658
13. 11 2012 2.658

5 Kommentare

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  1. otto5001 07. 11 2014

    wenn ich den Mod drin hab funktionieren bei mir dei Spiegel nicht mehr,sonst top mod. 4/5Sterne+empfehlung!
    Wenn die Spiegel wieder funktionieren 5/5 Sterne

  2. Agrotroner 15. 11 2012

    Habe mich riesig über den Mod gefreut, den ich schon lange vermisst habe. Eine geniale Ergänzung fürs schnelle Rangieren.
    Herzlichen Dank an den Modder

  3. EJA17472 15. 11 2012

    Funktioniert super, super mod und Fehlerfrei.

  4. M410Power 14. 11 2012

    nehmt doch einfch JoytoKey damit kannst du zb die pfeitasten mit einem lenkrad bzw joystick bedinen Alle tastatur tasten ;)

  5. MrSalitos 13. 11 2012

    Very useeful. Thank you for this Mod.

    1 Antworten
