Orkel T51 Trailer

V 1.0 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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Official FMC (Freelance Modding Crew) Release

Hier zum Download ist eine großartige kleine Anhänger von FMC, ob Ihr die großen Bauerngarten mit der Notwendigkeit einer kleinen Kipper oder einem kleinen Bauern mit der Notwendigkeit eines Muldenkipper um den engen Gasse Wege oder Hof bekommen dann dieser Trailer zu Ihnen passt .
Es tragen kann 3950 kg (mit Anhänger Maßstab mod) oder 5000 Liter in den Spielbedingungen.
Die Orkel T51 tragen kann Weizen Raps Mais Gerste Gras Gülle Spreu Kartoffel Zuckerrüben Silage.

Here to download is a great little trailer from FMC , whether your that big farmer with the need of a small tipping trailer or a small farmer with the need of a tipping trailer to get around those tight lane ways or yard then this trailer will suit you.
It can carry 3950 kg (using trailer scale mod) or 5000 liters in the game terms.
The Orkel T51 can carry wheat rape manure grass maize barley chaff potato sugar Beet silage.

This mod is not to be uploaded to any other sites, only the original link to FS-UK can be used.

FMC Copyright - http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/31030#


Model : Rustydog
Texture : Milpol
Ingame : Milpol
Scripting :Milpol

A great thanx to the fmc members that helped in the testing , Milpol and Gate and Druptown for their help in getting this mod out there as well

  • 07. Juni, 09:56 Uhr
    Version 1.0


Hashtag: 4a957383a81d4a04d0a6f1d9e616d377
Version: 1.0
Multiplayerfähig? nein
Autor: Rustydog
Preis im Shop: 1200 LS
Name im Shop: Orkel T51
Beschreibung im Shop: Orkel T51,Flexible mid trailer without brakes.
Large wheels and wide 210 cm combines good flow and stability.
A robust frame construction and great floor width makes it suitable where both versatility and high capacity is required.

07.06 2013
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.0 / 3 Stimmen


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V 1.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
4,1 MB 1891
07. 06 2013 1.891

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