Marshall Pack volume

V 1.0 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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Marshall implements pack  volume 1

A selection of machinery for all your manure and slurry handling needs, Ideally suited to the smaller farmer.


Mod pack contains.

Marshall QM-D8 Dump trailer accepts : manure , sugarbeet , potato and silage

Marshall ST1600 Slurry tanker

Marshall MS-75 Roto-spreader



-Press X to open the hatch on the MS75 Roto spreader for easier loading.

-Press Q to attach the pto shaft when stood next to the shaft

-Make sure you game is patched to 1.4


Copyright info.

This mod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License 


You are free: 

To Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work. Only the original web link address can be used, so a link to must be used, opposed to the work being uploaded to another site. 

Under the following conditions: 

Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). 
Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. 
No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. 

You are welcome to edit the mod for your personal use. You may not edit the model, skin, or add things on, and then release it, under any circumstances. 

Any questions or doubts, contact me via the fs-uk pm service , username :Nishma 


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All models and skinning by NIshma
Ingame Nishma and NI-modding
Slurry tanker script , decker/peterj
Fs-uk modteam for implement links script
Special thanks to NI-modding for the use of their wheels.

  • 23. Mai, 17:01 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 437010
    von Nishma
    vor etwa 12 Jahren


Hashtag: 6833aecc1f8670f19219affb71f8cae4
Version: 1.0
Multiplayerfähig? nein
Autor: Nishma
Preis im Shop: 8791 LS
Name im Shop: Marshall ST1600 Güllefass
Beschreibung im Shop: Für die Bauern, die eine anständige Größe Güllewagen benötigen, stellt Marshall das 1600 Gallonen Tanker. Seine flinken und robuste Konstruktionen sorgt für eine hohe Wendigkeit und Langlebigkeit. Dieser Tanker ist ideal für schmale und kleine Höfe.


23.05 2013
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.33 / 6 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
7,1 MB 2280
23. 05 2013 2.280

2 Kommentare

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  1. cool nicht schlecht nur ich hätte ihn waschable gemacht

  2. Valtra 6860 23. 05 2013

    Gutter mod habe drauf gewartet
