
V 2.4 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 17

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English version below:

=Italian: salve ragazzi, in primis, buon anno, questo è il lamborghini 1r  spero vi piaccia


-Leva cambio animata

-Asse basculante

-Fumo dinamico

-Spie plancia interna

-Sedile ammortizzato

-Dirt (lavabile) 10 minuti circa perchè si spoech


-Gearbox addon

-Agg/togli cofano

-AGG/Togli catene arrugginite

=English: Hi guys, first happy Cyear to everybone, i want to present you, a my edit lamborghini 1r i hope that it likes you.


- Animated gear lever

- Floating axle

- Dynamic Smoking

- Warning lights inside panel

- Suspension seat

- Dirt (washable) 10 minutes about why you spoechi


-Gearbox addon

-Add/Remove hood

-Add/Remove Chain 

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Idea / Concept: 

  • 18. Februar, 19:09 Uhr
    Version 2.4

    English below:
    Italiano: sistemate varie cose, tra cui, le texture delle catene, la plancia, le ruote, la marmitta, il logo "Lamborghini", dirt, il suono di spegnimento, la durata del motore di accensione

    English: Arranged various things, including, the textures of the chains, the dashboard, wheels, exhausts, "Lamborghini" logo, dirt, the sleep sound, the duration of the ignition engine

  • 29. Januar, 13:31 Uhr
    Version 2.3

    -Real light
    -Real acceleration sound
    -New axle
    -New steering

  • 18. Januar, 20:51 Uhr
    Version 2.2

    -new player triggers
    -Add/remove beacon lights
    -realistic lights

  • 16. Januar, 18:32 Uhr
    Version 2.1.1

    Small perfections

  • 15. Januar, 12:34 Uhr
    Version 2.1

    English version below
    -italian:in sta versione ci sarà una cartella intitolata "UNZIP_ME" dove all interno dovrete espostare fuori tre cartelle le quali saranno rispettivamente 2 versione del lamborghini, uno normale e uno bianco con alcune parti arrugginite, e la terza cartella che è lo script della gearbox
    e quindi in entrambi i lambo hanno le marcie fatte su misura per loro, e in piu come funzioni aggiuntive c'èe la possilibtà di aggiungere/togliere le catene arrugginite e agg./togliere cofano

    in this version there will be a folder titled "UNZIP_ME" where inside you will export out three folders which are respectively the second version of the Lamborghini, one normal and one white with some rusty parts, and the third folder that is the script of the gearbox
    and then in both lambo have the gearbox tailored for them, and more as additional features is the possibility to add / remove the rusty chains and add/remove the hood

  • 08. Januar, 11:40 Uhr
    Version 2.0

    -Log cleaned

  • 07. Januar, 19:20 Uhr
    Version 1.0


Hashtag: 5fdb7571bfd9f26ca241da7ee7a697e7
Version: 2.4
Multiplayerfähig? ja
Autor: Mogli aka Biedens; Italian translation by zed636
Preis im Shop: LS
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3.06 / 16 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.4
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2 Kommentare

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  1. DasGra 09. 01 2017

    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/gravi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Lamborgnini1R/dirt_normal.png'.
    C:/Users/user/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Lamborgnini1R/Imt539Deluxe.i3d (430.43) ms
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Lights.lua (59) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Lights.lua (227) : loadLights
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (622)
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (768) : load
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (915) : loadVehicle
    dataS/scripts/shop/BuyVehicleEvent.lua (88) : loadVehiclesAtPlace
    dataS/scripts/network/Connection.lua (77) : run
    dataS/scripts/gui/ShopScreen.lua (1034) : sendEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (467) : update
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/Gui.lua (306) : update
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1858) : update
    Index: 0>1|3|0|2

    Your log is clear?
    This is just 1 of 5 errors

    1 Antworten

  2. Tjark 1 07. 01 2017

    Leider ist das wieder der selbe Fehler bitte beheben ich kann ihn auch nicht kaufen.
    Warning: Missing l10n for button BEL3LEFT in Lamborgnini1R
    Warning: Missing l10n for button BEL3WARN in Lamborgnini1R
    Warning: Missing l10n for button CHANGE_GEAR in Lamborgnini1R
    Warning: Missing l10n for button CHANGE_GEAR_DOWN in Lamborgnini1R
    Würde ihn gerne mal testen :) Daumen Hoch + Empfehlung :) Eine v2 bitte :)
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen Tjark Schönes Wochenende euch noch :D

    1 Antworten
