Hello everyone, i have reconstructed the Food Storage v 3.1 by dajoun tunisia.
I was playing around with Courseplay v3.30 and thought wouldn't it be nice to have the foodstore fruits more easily accessable when using Courseplay and also driving manually?
So i came up this layout!
6 storage areas with 8 fruit types: Grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow | Wheat_windrow Barley_windrow | Silage | Forage | Chaff and Manure
New Features: - more spread out for better access - added central dumping ramp for all food types - and included a sell point trigger which you can move anywhere to get rid of any excess food types.
I have tested the triggers for all fruits without any errors (ensure you follow the install instructions and all particle system paths are correct (PS).
Log file has zero errors.
Installation (read the text files provided in the zip)
1-Add extraSourceFiles to your mod modDesc map
2-copy MapSiloBand folder to your map/models/objects folder
3-import with giant editor
Thanks to:
Food Storage v 3.1 by dajoun tunisia
I used the Unterstand from the best map out there =OGF= USA Clan Map by BernieSCS
Food Storage v 3.1 by dajoun tunisiaI used the Unterstand from the best map out there =OGF= USA Clan Map by BernieSCS
10. März, 09:27 UhrVersion 1.0
von getsome2030
vor etwa 12 Jahre
von getsome2030
vor etwa 12 Jahre
von getsome2030
vor etwa 12 Jahre
von getsome2030
vor etwa 12 Jahre
2 Kommentare
vieleicht bin ich ja zu blöd beckomme einfach nichts aus dem lager herraus.ferkaufen und einlagern klappt weiß nicht mehr weiter
eigentlich nicht schlecht kann zwar grass abladen aber kann es nicht wieder aufladen.kann mir einer helfen