Ermo Pack

V Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 22

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Ermo Levante 7|L:
ERMO subsoilers are particularly suitable for heavy duty and at-depth working.
The frame, built using high-resistance steels, is equipped with Hardox 400 tines, with a specific design which allows for a progressive penetration with low power absorption.

- Working Width: 3.0 m
- Price: 8405 $
- Power range: 100-140 hp
- Working speed: 10 kph

Ermo Mistral 300:
The ERMO Mistral 300 is a 3 metre cultivator with a wide range of use, whether for shallow stubble cultivation or intensive soil cultivation.

- Price: 9.850 $
- Power range: 150-250 hp
- Working speed: 17 kph
- Working width: 3.0 m
- 5 Roller Config

ERMO Diablo Spev Series:
ERMO semimounted ploughs were created to meet the needs of today's big enterprises - they simplify work and are more affordable.

Ermo Diablo Spev 6/149 4MA:
- Price: 65.000 $
- Power range: 350-400 HP
- Working speed: 11 kph
- Working width: 3.50M

Ermo Diablo Spev 7/147 4MA:
- Price: 69.000 $
- Power range: 400-500 HP
- Working speed: 11 kph
- Working width: 4.50M

Ermo Diablo Spev 8/149 4MA:
- Price: 73.000 $
- Power range: 500-600 HP
- Working speed: 11 kph
- Working width: 5.50M

ERMO Hurricane HR500/600
HURRICANE is ERMO's strongest and high-power seedbed preparation machinery of the DMX family.
It is available with a 5 or 6 metre working width.

Ermo Hurricane 500
- Price: 42.300 $
- Power range: 200-250 HP
- Working speed: 21 km/h
- Working width: 5.00M
- 3 Roller Config

Ermo Hurricane 600
- Price: 46.900 $
- Power range: 250-350 HP
- Working speed: 21 km/h
- Working width: 6.00M
- 3 Roller Config

Changelog v.
- Added support for Dynamic Lowering script


SMI Modding Team

  • 07. Juni, 11:39 Uhr

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