Boss Box Plow Pack

V 1.0 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 15

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This is the Boss Plow Pack which is great for plowing large areas like parking lots. The Boss Box Plow attaches to the provided bucket. The bucket can be used as any other bucket but also to move snow when you turn it on. The bucket should fit on most loaders for sure the ones the game provides (I recommend the JCB wheel loader). 


Pack Includes:

Boss Box Plow

Loader Bucket


~Replay Gaming


Models: Replay Gaming, In-game: Replay Gaming, Bucket Dirt: Duramax Nation Modder

  • 18. Januar, 12:13 Uhr
    Version 1.0


Hashtag: 4fa506bc4459a65917821eb8226877de
Version: 1.0
Multiplayerfähig? ja
Autor: Fsfarmer11
Preis im Shop: 5500 LS
Name im Shop:
Beschreibung im Shop:
Hashtag: 4fa506bc4459a65917821eb8226877de
Version: 1.0
Multiplayerfähig? ja
Autor: Fsfarmer11
Preis im Shop: 5500 LS
Name im Shop:
Beschreibung im Shop:

18.01 2016
Modhoster Userbewertung
3.75 / 4 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 15
10,3 MB 3429
18. 01 2016 3.429

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