Advanced Farm Manager

V Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 22

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Advanced Farm Manager is a toggle-able GUI that will allow you to quickly manage your vehicles, implements, fields, and placeables.

- Jump into, park, sell, clean, repair, repaint, and refuel (diesel only) enterable vehicles.
- Warp near, sell, clean, repair, and repaint implements. Never lose an implement again.
- Warp near, tag, and sell placeables.
- Warp directly to or tag fields (pre-defined only)
- Pricing for Sales, Repair, and Repainting is the same as any mobile shop.
- Pricing for cleaning is based on how dirty the vehicle or implement is.
- Set hotkeys on vehicles using 1-9 keyboard or number pad keys in the menu
- Set nicknames on enterable, motorized vehicles.
- Set vehicle switching (tabbing) to be all enterable vehicles, or just hotkey vehicles
- Parking status for vehicles is saved in single player, but local to your user session on multiplayer (it will only affect your tabbing, and not save between game session)

Key Bindings:

Left_Shift + Key_Slash (/) - Open Menu
Mouse Button 4 - Open Menu
Right_Alt + Number Pad 0 - Toggle between limited vehicle switching and all vehicle switching
Right_Alt + Number Pad 1-9 - Jump to hotkey marked vehicle #

Special Mod Note: Park Vehicle by VertexDezign

Care was taken to make sure if you prefer the Park Vehicle implementation by VertexDezign, it will still function as expected.


- New Feature: A Home barn icon will show next to vehicles and implements that are owned by your farm (multiplayer)
- Bugfix: Cleaning now costs the money it is supposed to
- Bugfix: Cleaning, Refueling, and Renaming are no longer available in multiplayer
- Bugfix: Field contents display is no longer available in multiplayer
- Bugfix: Rare error message on MP game join

- Bugfix: Transport contacts would cause field frame to not display
- Bugfix: Parking status for single player was not being saved correctly


FSG Modding

  • 15. Juni, 20:12 Uhr

  • 3536459
    von boxxxere
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 3536458
    von boxxxere
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 3536457
    von boxxxere
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 3536456
    von boxxxere
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr
  • 3536455
    von boxxxere
    vor mehr als 1 Jahr


15.06 2023
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Landwirtschafts Simulator 22
377,1 KB 423
15. 06 2023 423

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